Songs which remind you of J Dubs....

by missy04 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • missy04

    I was just sitting here listening to a song by Breaking Benjamin called "Rain" and it reminded me of the Witnesses.

    " "Rain" Take a photograph,
    It'll be the last,
    Not a dollar or a crowd could ever keep me here,
    I don't have a past
    I just have a chance,
    Not a family or honest plea remains to say,

    Rain rain go away,
    Come again another day,
    All the world is waiting for the sun.

    Is it you I want,
    Or just the notion
    Of a heart to wrap around so I can find my way around

    Safe to say from here,
    Your getting closer now,
    We are never sad cause we are not allowed to be

    Rain rain go away,
    Come again another day,
    All the world is waiting for the sun. "

    It almost sounds like he's singing about rain during feild service to me LOL..I must have Dubs on the brain tonight....

    So what songs remind you all of the Witnesses??

    ~Sarah of the "I can't sleep so I'll just start weird threads" class

  • missy04

    Actually, this part of the song:

    "Take a photograph,
    It'll be the last,
    Not a dollar or a crowd could ever keep me here"

    Makes me think of my best friend (Witness) in Memphis, because I knew I was gonna stop going to the meetings and wouldn't see her again and I have all these pictures of us.

    ~Sarah of the "I miss my friend" class

  • blondie

    Kingdom Hall

    by Van Morrison
    So glad to see you So glad you're here Come here beside me now We can clear inhibition away All inhibitions Throw them away And when we dance like this Like we've never been dancin' before Chorus: Oh, they were swingin' Down at Kingdom Hall Oh, bells were ringin' Down at the Kingdom Hall A choir was singin' Down at the Kingdom Hall Hey, liley, liley, liley Hey, liley, liley, low Do do do do do do, do Do do do do do do Do do do do do do, do Do do do do do do Good body music Brings you right here Free flowin' motion now When we're shakin' it out on the floor Good rockin' music Down in your shoes And when we dance like this Like we've never been dancin' before Repeat Chorus Down at the Kingdom Hall They were havin' a party They were havin' a ball Bells were ringing out And the choir was singin' Hey, liley, liley, liley Hey, liley, liley, low Do do, do do, do do, do do Sugar was there Did you see Sugar Down at the Kingdom Hall Sugar was tough
  • missy04

    OMG there's actually a song about a KH??

    Oh, btw, Blondie, I had a question I thought you might know about. I'll pm it to ya.


  • blondie

    EELS LYRICS "Jehovah's Witness"

    Jehovah's witness leave me alone
    Jehovah's witness i'm not at home
    Keep on a-knockin' and ringin' the bells
    Knockin' your way straight to hell

    Jehovah's witness let's not pretend
    That for one second you are my friend
    Knock on my door and i'll turn out the light
    Close the curtains and turn in for the night

    Jehovah's witness why must it be
    Just when i'm feeling good i look out and see
    You walking up in your very nice suit
    Like i'm some old lady who'll give up her loot

    Jehovah's witness leave me alone
    Jehovah's witness i'm not at home

  • missy04

    OMG, Blondie!!! LMAO!!! I had no idea there were songs like that!!

    Of course...*clears throat* we had best refrain from listening to apostate songs such as this....

  • missy04

    I sent ya a couple of PM's Blondie Had a few ?'s


  • zman

    'Another one bites the dust', that song comes to mind.

    Brooks and Dunn 'Brand New Man' when you get baptized, and for sure

    Garth Brooks 'Standing Outside The Fire', when you get dfed.

    Prince 'Seven"

    I will have to think of somemore. zman

  • Peppermint

    This song by Alanis Morissette always makes me think of being a witness. For catholic please read JW.

    You know how us Catholic girls can be
    We make up for so much time a little too late
    I never forgot it, confusing as it was
    No fun with no guilt feelings
    The sinners, the saviors, the loverless priests
    I'll see you next Sunday
    We all had our reasons to be there
    We all had a thing or two to learn
    We all needed something to cling to
    So we did
    I sang Alleluia in the choir
    I confessed my darkest deeds to an envious man
    My brothers they never went blind for what they did
    But I may as well have
    In the name of the Father, the Skeptic and the Son
    I had one more stupid question
    Repeat Chorus
    What I learned I rejected but I believe again
    I will suffer the consequence of this inquisition
    If I jump in this fountain, will I be forgiven
    Repeat Chorus
    We all had delusions in our head
    We all had our minds made up for us
    We had to believe in something
    So we did

  • unclebruce

    And the prize goes to....Blondie

    Oh, they were swingin'
    Down at Kingdom Hall
    Oh, bells were ringin'
    Down at the Kingdom Hall
    A choir was singin'
    Down at the Kingdom Hall

    For a while you could send sound to the old H20 discussion board and we had fun hearing each others voices - first thing I sent was Van the mans Kingdom Hall - classic. Us young JWs thought it was great but were too scared to play it in front of old farts and elders.

    ah .. memories


    my favorite:


    gentlemen he said

    I don't need your organization

    I shined your shoes

    I marked your cards

    but Eden is burning

    either get ready for ellimination

    or your hearts must have the courage

    of the changing of the guards

    Changing of the Guards. Bob Dylan.

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