Something cause this??? but what??

by Okidok 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Okidok

    I like to wonder, and be able to think independent of any subject or topic thats provoke me. Even if these subjects are "weird" or not.
    It look like sometimes ,there is topics that seems to already been explained seriously as hoaxes. So dont even bother to try to explain it otherwise,or if u want to maintain serious.
    Well here is a challenge for you.
    Try to explain these images.
    Since 1980 these crop circles has appeared ,and increased every year.
    What do u think of this circle that appeared today. 13 July.

    Whatever the crop circles are, they have perplexed, moved and inspired people from all over the world. For those involved it has changed their lives forever, with the growing realisation that we live in a world that is infinitely more complex and mysterious then we could ever have imagined.
    So maybe you will state at once that these circles are hoaxes? Maybe you are convinced that some funny guy have made this circles in the shelter of the night?
    Take a closer look of this next images. Maybe a weird creative person have been running in the field and caused this?

    What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet.
    Woody Allen

  • Naeblis

    Yes. Aliens are here. And those bastards are ruining our crops. This is obviously some alien plot to starve us into submission.

  • Okidok

    Well once again
    I like to wonder, and be able to think independent of any subject or topic thats provoke me. Even if these subjects are "weird" or not.
    It look like sometimes ,there is topics that seems to already been explained seriously as hoaxes. So dont even bother to try to explain it otherwise,or if u want to maintain serious.
    Well here is a challenge for you.
    Try to explain these images.
    Since 1980 these crop circles has appeared ,and increased every year.
    What do u think of this circle that appeared today. 13 July.

    Whatever the crop circles are, they have perplexed, moved and inspired people from all over the world. For those involved it has changed their lives forever, with the growing realisation that we live in a world that is infinitely more complex and mysterious then we could ever have imagined.
    So maybe you will state at once that these circles are hoaxes? Maybe you are convinced that some funny guy have made this circles in the shelter of the night?
    Take a closer look of this next images. Maybe a weird creative person have been running in the field and caused this?

    What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet.
    Woody Allen

  • Naeblis

    I fail to see why this would be difficult to do.

  • Okidok

    Hi Naeblis
    I think you have something to tell , what,, how will u do that and be invisible

    What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet.
    Woody Allen

  • tergiversator

    They're not difficult. The original crop circles were made by some British hoaxers who kept it up for many years before publicly admitting it, at least according to what I read in Carl Sagan's Demon Haunted World, which discussed how they pulled the stunt off. Subsequent crop circles have also been traced to copycat hoaxers, sooner or later. There should be references to that online (though I don't have time to look for them.)


  • TR

    I saw a special on the tube that showed how people made the circles. Very interesting. They did time lapse photography from a high vantage point. Very cool, indeed.


    "I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every
    form of tyranny over the mind of man." --Thomas Jefferson*

  • Okidok

    hi tergiversator
    so u are too up to the easiest explaination,, IT must (for God reason)be a hoaxy or my thinking ability fails,,,, like,,, it have to be 1914 or my faith will be ruined??

    What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet.
    Woody Allen

  • Prisca

    Who ever does these, certainly has a lot of spare time on their hands!


  • Okidok

    Hi TR
    I have been watching these explaination for several years yes its easy to accept, because it sound so natural. but these cirlclemakeres are known,,, lol as circlemakers or hoaxes they cannot do a complete circle

    What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet.
    Woody Allen

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