UPDATE: telling my parents I dont believe in God

by filip 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • heretic

    what you do from now on is entirely your decision but i thought of what id do if i were 15 again (im 26 now)- Id tell my parents I felt closed in in the religion. tell them i wanted to make my own way in life and work things out for myself but realised I lived under their roof and if they wanted me to continue going to meetings i would however fieldservice would be a problem as i am not sure enough of my beleifs to preach to other people 'yet' (give them a glimmer of hope that youll come around). I wouldnt tell them I didnt believe in god or that jws are wrong as you would have better luck telling a brick wall (it wont compute). and respect theyre authority. prove your mature enough to make this decision, help with the running of the house, if theyre witnessing mow the lawn. fix the fence wash your old mans car. your gonna have to learn to do that stuff one day anyway.

    do not- go off the rails, start smoking or bring your girlfriend home. Hide you pot like everyone else.

    not going to meetings is not a licence to go nuts.

    this is my humble opinion, what you do is entirely up to you.



    ps no ramp is too big, just keep your weight over your back truck and youll be alright.

    skate to create brother

  • candidlynuts
    Hide you pot like everyone else

    dont smoke pot! you'll live in your parents house till your 45 yrs old!! in the words of that teacher on south park " drugs are bad" !!

  • Gill

    filip! This is important! Listen to Aunty Candidilynuts!



  • mkr32208

    Isn't there something in the European Childrens Bill of rights about kids having the right to worship or not as they see fit?

    Just tell them no... If they refuse to comprimise sue them for support! Make them get you and apartment and pay all your bills! Ha worked for my younger brother he had an apartment at 14! He's had more girls there than I've ever seen! Sick little bastard! I'll bet Overbeer, and Valis were like that growing up! Now years later him and my parents get along great! He even let them move in with him for about 6 months when they moved from NY to NC (he was about 20 then) while they were in the process of buying a house! Sometimes space really helps with relationships!

  • 95stormfront
    Isn't there something in the European Childrens Bill of rights about kids having the right to worship or not as they see fit?

    Just tell them no... If they refuse to comprimise sue them for support! Make them get you and apartment and pay all your bills!

    Wow !!!!

    I 'll bet in JW circles that is a very well kept secret. Just think of the fall in attendance if that got out to the european JW kiddies.

  • filip

    What!? Can I sue my parents for support? Get my own apartment at 15? Wtf? This is crazy news to me, but would be great! Although, about the suing part, my dad is a lawyer, so I dont know how good it would turn out.

    But what you mean, is that if they force me to still worship and go to the meetings, I can contact for example my school counseler and make the government (the wordly one) teach them a lesson. I actually have a right NOT to be into JW-ism? And if my parents still force me to be a JW, it will cost them big?

  • AlmostAtheist

    >> What!? Can I sue my parents for support? ...

    >> I can contact for example my school counseler
    >> and make the government (the wordly one)
    >> teach them a lesson.

    Slow down there, Rebel! :-)

    There are plenty of people here that are alienated from their parents and for the most part THEY HATE IT. My wife may soon be among them. Once we're disfellowshipped, her mom will refuse to speak to her.

    You can tell your parents your positions and why you feel that way, but don't antagonize them. At least, don't come at them with it at first. Sure, if they are making your life a living hell, do something. But if you tell them where you stand, it's unlikely that they'll staple a suit on you and make you act like a Witness for the next three years. At least give them a chance to be reasonable before you start tossing threats around.

    YOU have a golden opportunity here. You get to leave the "truth" and keep your parents at the same time. Please step lightly.

    Take care,


  • FreedomFrog

    Make sure you research, research, research. If you "argue" a point that you don't agree with (such as the blood issue) and you haven't done your research...you're gonna be a sitting duck.

    Ask questions such as "Mom, Pop...can you explain to me" or "I just don't understand this...will you tell me your view?" Then they will show you scriptures and articles, take those articles and research. Make sure YOU understand what you do and do not believe.

    You probably remember hearing from the platform at the meetings "your actions are your best witness" (or words to that effect). Well, it's just as important if not more for you now. You need to show to them, by your example, that you don't need the religion just to have a good set of morals. Witness's think of drug abused, criminal minded, satan worshippers, when they hear "apostates" or anyone that turns away from their teachings.

    My mom is convinced that I'm gonna go into this deep deep depression, get messed up with drugs and demons and my life will go to pots. I have to show to her by my action that I'm still a good "clean" person. I just don't believe in their religion.

    Take time...don't panic...relax.

    Good luck!


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