Speaking of bathrooms at the DC

by TweetieBird 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • safe4kids

    Great topic...

    I have two children, ages 8 and 9 and I do not spank them. I did when they were really small because I was following WTS methods as well as what I been raised with. I remember when my son was about 6 months old and was being fussy at the meeting...I took him into the mother's room and was comforting him (he was bored and just wanted to make noises) anyway, an elder's wife came in and very kindly explained to me that it was never too early to start training my son to be quiet at the meetings. She related to me how she began spanking her daughter at 4 mos old. I was totally in shock...there was NO WAY I would hit my precious baby...not at that age, he wouldn't have a clue!!!
    Anyway, I stopped all forms of physical discipline about 5 years ago...my children are not perfect but I am constantly complimented on how well behaved they are. Teachers, other parents, etc...I will admit that they behave much better for other people than they do for me!!! LOLOL But all in all, they are good kids and so far, the alternative methods seem to be working well for us.


    "A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born."
    Antoine de Saint-Exupery

  • Billygoat

    OMIGOD! Closer to fine! That 4 year old was my little brother! We'd trained him to pray to Jah whenever he was feeling afraid (he was scared of the dark). My dad still thinks that story is hilarious!

    My father was big into abuse. Not just discipline, but abuse. We had CPS called on us twice and not once did they do anything. But both times we got our chops busted because Dad thought WE were the ones who called.

    I wonder (along with the pedofile and clinical depression issues) how many abusers are hidden with the WTS?? My dad was EXTREMELY abusive to me and the other kids - still abusive with my mom!

    What do you think?


  • Bendrr

    A parent who resorts to spanking to control a restless child at a long meeting or convention should be forced to submit to some sort of equivalent public humiliation immediately thereafter!
    When you look at all the teachings of The Empire, the most ridiculous has to be that they expect a 3 year old to sit quietly and listen to the same material as the adults for anywhere from 2 to 8 hours.
    I'd much rather see those kids in a separate meeting for children being taught on their level. And plenty of time on a playground next to the Kingdom Hall to let off youthful steam. Oh wait, no playgrounds there.

    "Well done, Blind Squirrel! You've found an impressive nut!

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Hi all:

    I too remember what it was like to be expected to keep your babies quiet especially when you are an elder's wife and he expects you to set an example.

    I tried spanking my little ones when they were noisey or wouldn't stay off the platform after the meeting was over....but I couldn't deal with my feelings about it and resorted to talking and reasoning more. I do feel I got more positive results than my elder husband who believed "first you have to smack them to get their attention (and that was jokingly applied to all women as well).

    His method of slamming them against the wall when they got lippy or constant bannings to their room to read the mags just didn't work.

    For myself being raised as a JW, I can remember one belt-spanking and hearing every count...1...2...3...4...5...wondering how many more...and that was for sneaking out to the movies on a Saturday afternoon with a "worldly boy". (btw..it didn't do any good...as I still dated worldly boys on the sly).

    I appreciate your opinions on this subject as right now in an area close to me, there is a controversial incident going on with the courts and a religious group of modern mennonites over the parent's right to corporal punishment ie spankings with a switch or belt etc.

    Canadian Law is Section 43 of the Criminal Code says parents or guardians are justified in using force if it doesn't exceed what's considered reasonable.

    But critics say the law fails to define "reasonable," and want to see the law scrapped.

    Cresswell of the London Children's Aid Society says: "We believe very strongly that parents don't need to use physical punishment to discipline their children...there is significant evidence to show children subjected to corporal punishment risk developing emotional problems and becoming violent themselves." She says the CAS and others fighting to have Section 43 repealed would like to see Canada follow the lead of of countries such as Denmark and Norway where spanking has been outlawed altogether.

    But those on the other side of the debate say repealing the law would be a mistake and support a parent's right to chose the method they use for disciplining their children and the state should stay out it.

    I have posed the question for those reading the link in my topic to the news article...do you think this could ever happen to JWs given their methods of discipline in training a baby to be quiet in the meetings????

    My topic posted today at 12:30pm is "Children Removed From Family Over Discipline" on page 3 right now. The link to it is

    I'd appreciate hearing your thoughts on this subject too!


    Had Enough

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