Was God in this disaster?

by bikerchic 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • HICFlyGirl

    Dear Mr. JR Dobbs,

    I must tell you I took offence to your comment of millions flocking to Florida for fun under the sun, ect. As a native of Florida I have been a spectator of most disastrous of natural events. I can count on two hands the amount of hurricanes I have witnesses from the living room if a beach front home and survived to tell the tale. Yet, I ask you Mr. JR Dobbs, what makes me different from the Indonesians, Thialand and Sri Lanka inhabitants? Why did they deserve to die when I have had full warning of what destruction is to come and yet I make it my decision to stay on my happy little island and observe the things that that which could kill me? Why have I survived many natural disasters with full warning and others die due to the lack of warning? Please, I beg of you to enlighten me before I fulfill my need to enlighten you.

  • heathen

    outbutnotdown-- If you read my earlier posts , I stated that it was a natural disaster . We are not living in the time where all mankind can live in the security of Gods kingdom and can avoid all disasters . That area of the world is right on a fault line .

    bikerchic --- believe what you wanna .

  • outbutnotdown

    Heathen, you said:

    We are not living in the time where all mankind can live in the security of Gods kingdom and can avoid all disasters .

    That was kind of what bikerchic was getting at, I think. How "real" is that hope? I know when I left the JW's I also left behind their delusional teachings. I may be wrong, granted, but IMO it is better to make my own wonderful life from what "God" did give us rather than waiting for him to do it for us.

    Unfortunately there are still disasters that happen. But would I not be insulting God even more if, by what you seem to be suggesting, he could step in at any time but didn't, not even to stop that earthquake/tsunami?


  • heathen

    outbutnotdown --- I believe as I do not necessarily because the WTBTS says it so . I believe because jesus said so in the bible .You have free will to believe or not but no matter what you do you will never be able to create your own little world of security from disaster . I notice you are of the same mind set as bikerchic which is fine by me , I don't have time to sit around and convince people of things they have no desire to believe . The fact of life is that people die from other people as much as or more than natural disasters. We will all eventually die of old age or disease . I don't believe death to be evil but neutral .

  • DaCheech

    The Watchtowers answer would be "Adam's sin made everything imperfect"

    Well, I think this is a bunch of crock! If you would tell me that Adam's sin makes us get old and die, I would agree with you 100%. But, what about these disasters? What about birth defects? What about mothers dying during childbirth or the child itself?

    Intelligent people would come to the conclusion that if God made the earth, and Adam sinned.... Then these things would not happen!

    Disasters can be seen throughout our ancient history! Many people do not have a choice as to where they live. A thought provoking documentary of the explosion of mount Etna in Sicily, Italy shows how religious nuts think that God will save them! As the lava came down the mountain, these people were praying and not leaving like the informed intelligent kind of people!

    If God created the earth, he did not do it the way the Bible says!

  • bikerchic


    bikerchic --- believe what you wanna .

    Well thanks I do believe I will.

    You know heathen that was sorta the point of my starting this thread in the first place. I used to believe in all the JW stuff, you know my life was neat, orderly it all fit into this tiny little box, all my beliefs were programed into me and controlled by the Mother organization.

    Then I left the B'org got real angry at God, left all my beliefs and decided to not believe rather than believe at all. I pretty much got things sorted out for myself after much pondering and listening, learning things for myself, not something Mother was telling me was true or how I should believe.

    Well then this horrible disaster happened and I read this article and some of my old beliefs popped back into my thoughts again and it had me thinking about God, tragedy and what really happens to us all anyway. Why do such horrible things like this happen? You know all the big universal questions came right back at me. This quote really struck a nerve in me:

    The disaster is. It happened to a "dear one," someone's "dear one," many dear ones. I open my heart and feel it. The place it touches in me, touches God.

    I'm not trying to argue the belief or non belief anyone has in God or the hereafter, I'm just searching and trying to understand it myself. I have more questions than answers, but mostly I'm not of the ilk to be told what I must think, feel or believe by anyone. ~~~~~~~ to think, feel and believe what I want is just to wonderful to let go of.

    Thanks everyone for listening and for your replies you all made me think and that is a good thing.


  • heathen

    I am always finding fault with WT teachings as well . I wasn't a dub but do read religious material and the bible . I've learned my lesson as to being a person that would just believe something a publishing corporation has to say only because they can quote scriptures putting themselves in the bossom possition of Abraham or some such holier than thou nonsence . I still remember the way they treated me and I'm sure that most of you exsperienced far worse things on account you were in the cult and probly had family and friends that would turn on you because of some petty crap . They even tried to convince me that I was in league with the devil for stating my opinion that some teachings just didn't hold water . I did have some family in the cult but never really considered any of them my friend when I was doing the home bible study scene and certainly not after I threw them out of my house . I spent quite a bit of my life not even interested in the bible or God but in the last several years decided it was time to see what others were saying about the WTBTS and see what I could learn , I gotta say after seeing what I have on this site my opinion of them is pure disgust. I feel that way about all religion though but at least most religions don't claim to declare Gods judgements and judicial decrees or are the only source of truth in the world or that salvation can only be had in connection with them but turn around and show themselves to be the hypocrites they really are . Anyway I digress ..........

    I do however believe that mans problems stem from the rebellion in the garden of eden ......

  • DaCheech


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