My Testimony

by snakeizz 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    Welcome to the forum Snake. I'm not sure about that stripping for god part, but I'm glad you could see the JW's crap for what it is at such an early age. I'm a wee bit jealous actually.

  • Fleur
    They ruin childrens lives.I have been told by both my parents"well at least you werent molested"-because they had been.What kind of statement is that to make to your kid.I have since cleared up many of these issues with my parents,but I still dont think they'll ever understand what they did to our family.My older sister{25}is stuck in a crappy marriage she was forced into by herself,my parents and the religion-clearly brainwashed.My younger sister(18)from what I hear is very confused and cant bring herself to leave this crap,probly for fear of losing her "friends"...........Again,i tend to rant,sorry about that.........more to come i guess

    welcome STP, I hope that your sister won't be stuck in that marriage forever...and that your other sister will find her way out too. I am so sorry for all you've been through. I was 'born in' too and can relate to your post a lot.

    I feel sad for your parents too, having both been molested, that is just awful. What a rotting mess hides beneath the clean cut exterior image of JW's.



  • whyamihere


    Nice to meet you! Welcome to the Forum. I am also from WI!


  • stopthepain

    Thank you for your reply,but I would just like to correct my statement--both my parents claim to have been abused as children,niether were jws.That ,I believe is what brought them to this religion.They were lost vulnerable people who had each other and nothing else.I believe the religion used thier unassuming and naive nature to turn them into maniacs.Now when I first left the religion and had many feelings of anger,distrust ,disgust ,and basically every other negative feeling-I was told by them that I should be thankful I was never molested{as if thats what the goal of a family is,not getting molested}.Instead of just admittimg they were wrong and holdind the religion somewhat responsible.Unfotunately It goes very deep.......way to deep .They obviously had serious problems in thier lives,the religion was a crutch for them.The religion loves people like them.I dont hate the people that are Jw's ,but I HATE that organization.

  • lonelysheep

    Hi stopthepain!

    As you'll see, you're not alone on this:

    I dont hate the people that are Jw's ,but I HATE that organization.
  • KKLUV155

    Hi Snake, I am glad God has released you from that bondadge. He released me several years ago. I am also glad to see you have not lost your faith in God. He is here to help us grow and heal. May He bless you in all you do.


  • Panda

    SNAKE, Welcome to this forum . Thank you for sharing your story. You were an incredibley aware young teenager and I applaud you the courage it took to back away when you were basically being shoved in the JW direction. BTW Mr.Panda grew his beard after we left and he is the handsomest man ever!

  • AuntieJane

    Snake, Thank you for a heartwarming story. It is uplifting to hear of someone who was damaged by the JW's, yet is still a #1 Fan of God. So often that is not the case. Bless you and your wife! Testimonies like yours make me have hope that my family members will "get it" someday.

  • czarofmischief

    Hello sir. Congratulations on a successful escape and a happy marriage.

    Ah... life is pretty good without the cult, ain't it?


  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    Hi Snake,

    Great story, thx for sharing. Glad you have peace in your life and someone to share it with.

    I'm in Milwaukee WI. Email me at the addy in my profile if you like.



    P.S. Man there are alot of peple from WI in this board of late. We may give TX a run for their money in the near future

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