How do you place an avitar on your profile.

by ko38 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ko38

    You guys all have really cool ones.I want one too.I want to play with the big kids

    Please make your instructions simple.I flunked computers for dummies.

    thank you guys, i love you all.

  • missy04

    Ok, go up to where it says "profile" and when you get to that page, scroll down to where it says "upload a picture from my computer."

    Click browse, and find the picture you want. When you have selected the picture you want and it shows up there in the typing field next to "browse" just click update at the bottom of the page. It might not show up right away but it should work.

    I don't know how to upload a picture from the web, which is the other option, sorry.

    Sorry for the highlighting. It doesn't show up right otherwise for some reason.


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