Looking for someone

by Maxee 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Maxee

    Hi every one I have started a new job so my time is limited on the net.(broken relationship property settlement he took everthing including computors)

    Is any one interested in being my email friend. my work email is [email protected]

  • Seven

    Hey Maxee!!

    The sun'll come out
    Bet your bottom dollar
    That tomorrow-
    There'll be sun!!
    Just thinkin' about
    Clears away the cobwebs
    And the Sorrow
    'Til there's none!
    When I'm stuck with a day
    That's gray
    And lonely,
    I just stick out my chin
    And Grin
    And say
    The sun'll come out
    So ya gotta hang on
    'Til tomorrow
    Come what may
    I love ya
    You're always
    A day
    A way!

    Sending out this happy little tune from the musical, Annie-with a little encouragment to hang in there. Things will get better. I'll mail you at your place of employment. Good luck with your new job.

  • Maxee

    Thanx seven I'll be humming that all day

  • Simon

    Hi Maxee
    My wife want's to email you so I'm just showing her how to use it...expect a message any 'year' soon

  • waiting

    Hey Maxee, my e-mail is listed also. Would like to visit more.

    What kind of work do you do? I use the computer at work sometimes too. Maybe we can do coffee and e-mails?

    Sorry about your relationship- that's always hard.

    A broken heart is what makes life so wonderful five years later, when you see the guy in the elevator and he is fat and smoking a cigar and saying long-time-no-see. If he had not broken your heart you could not have that glorious feeling of relief.Phyllis Battelle

    Just kinda makes you chuckle, huh?

    There is one thing women can never take away from men. We die sooner. PJ O'Rourke

    I still maintain my ex-husband's life insurance- just in the wildly wonderful chance that the SOB will die a violent, horrible death. But I'm not bitter or anything. Vicious, but not bitter.


  • Carmel

    Don't believe it Maxie. She's bitterer than pickled olives! The old battle axe chased a good many away and now she can't wait to dance on his grave! Believe me, I knew him. He was nothing short of a prince of a person and old Waiting, why she never waited for anything her whole life other than his pay check. Then she had it spent before it was earned!

    Gotta be careful of these net hussies who claim to be all warm and fuzzie! They'll suck you in and take you for all you got then drop ya for another guy in a New York minute! I know, I was there best man!

    carmel who sure misses the old days...

  • waiting


    You fool.

    waiting with a chuckle!

  • waiting


    Every time I have to pay that SOB's life insurance premium for the past 20 long years (3 x yearly), I cuss and carry on about how I wish that !@@$$%^&&***(*%% would die so I could get my money.

    My long enduring second husband just shakes his head and tells me (every friggin' time): "If you wouldn't wish for his death so much, he probably would die. He's just staying alive to aggravate you."

    And the SOB does a fine job of it too.

    waiting - for my ex's pastdue death. However, this does not qualify me as bitter. Perhaps hateful.

    Edited by - waiting on 17 August 2000 18:34:24

  • RedhorseWoman

    My dearest waiting....I think you misspelled something in your last post....hateful in this case should be spelled h o p e f u l

  • waiting

    Hey Red!

    Yeah, I've been thinking about my post to my first husband's best man - Carmel, !!!!!!!

    When that SOB finally does die - and I am forever hopeful of it being tomorrow - I will dance an Irish jig on his grave then happily spit on it!!

    I don't like him - is that coming through on these posts?

    Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Shakespeare

    Well said.

    waiting, bitter (perhaps) but with a sense of humor, if not dignity.

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