Paradise, and the Garden of Eden

by Brownboy 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Pole

    Dear Hamasinkas,

    Is it possible that the name America was derived from the following two words?

    Hamas (Arabic acronym meaning zeal for God)

    Incas (Spanish, from Quechua inca, ruler, man of royal lineage)

    Where did you take your course in etymology? The Theoocratic Ministry School?

    Best wishes,


  • googlemagoogle

    amen. and the wild beast and the harlot said amen.

    interesting thing you made up with hamas and incas, never noticed they are so closely related. do you think the members of the fundamentalist islamic organisation of hamas are descendants of the incas?

    and don't let those people decieve you by falsly telling you that the name america was derrived from amerigo vespucchi. what a unfounded nonsense. i personally believe it's made up of the words:

    "am" - like the first person conjugation of "be"

    "eric" - as in "eric the red", probably the first norse explorer to set foot on america

    "as" - as "like"

    as jehovah refers to himself as "i am", the first word stands for jehovah. if you turn the order of the three words, we get "[i] am as*) eric" ([] indicate necessary additions for better understanding the context. *) some old handwritten documents also write "like" instead of "as", making it "i am like eric").

    in genesis the hero "shilo" is foretold to take the scepter. shilo is described as a man with eyes red of wine. here we have a interesting parallel (whoso readeth, let him understand:), as eric is called "the red".

    we also know that ericsson (son of eric) is the worlds leading supplier in telecommunication. how wonderful divine scripture fulfills before our very eyes.

    halleluyah! amen!

    ah... i accept visa, mastercard, paypal and testaments.

  • Kenneson


    Are you a descendant of the Lamanites of Mormon infamy?

    If Rev. 14:1-4 is literal then yes, the Lamb , the throne, the 144,000 virgin males (all Jews--see Rev. 7:4-8) will be on Mount Zion in Jerusalem singing and playing their harps. But then, it's not literal.

  • AGuest

    Dearest BrownBoy... may you have peace!

    Because I think you are sincere in what you believe to be true, I would like to respond, if I may. Thank you!

    How many reside as kings and priests, along with Christ, in the heavenly Kingdom of God?
    I believe this to be true, but as a human, I can make mistakes, so please bear with me.
    Revelation 12:1-17
    1 And a great sign was seen in heaven, a woman arrayed with the sun, and the moon was beneath her feet, and on her head was a crown of twelve stars
    Is it possible that only the twelve apostles reside in heaven with Christ?
    Revelation 14:1-20
    1 And I saw, and, look! the Lamb standing upon the Mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand having his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads. Is it possible that 144000 associates of Christ will reside upon the earth?

    You are only partially correct in your assumption, dear one: it is the 12 apostles, who are included in the 144,000 from ?out of the sons of Israel,? as well as a ?great crowd which no man was able to number.? The scriptural proof of that can be found at Revelation 5:9, 10 and 7:15, where we are told that the kings and priests are bought from ?EVERY tribe and tongue and people and nation.? These correspond to the ?great crowd,? which, unlike the 144,000 who are sealed ?out of every tribe of the sons of ISRAEL,? are also seen ?standing BEFORE THE THRONE,? and ?rendering SACRED service [in the temple].? Only priests can render sacred service in God?s temple, dear one.

    This is a direct correction of the false teaching promulgated by the WTBTS that only 144,000 ?go to heaven and rule with Christ.? Indeed, my Lord himself said that there would be ?other sheep,? who would JOIN the ?little flock?? and the two would become one. This is fulfilled by the 144,000 of the sons of Israel (who are FLESHLY descendants of Abraham), the ?little flock,? being joined by ?other sheep,? a great crowd with no number? and the TWO? becoming ONE flock. It was foreshadowed by Israel being joined by a ?vast mixed crowd,? and the TWO? becoming one nation before God. THIS? the apostles, 144,000? AND great crowd? is the ?nation of kings and priests? who replace natural Israel as God?s people. TOGETHER, these rules as kings and priests? with Christ? for 1,000 years. That is the time given them. He, however? rules? forever? in contrast to yet another false teaching of the WTBTS.

    In addition, yes, ALL of them will reside on the earth, for that is the purpose for which God created it. Thus, once the marriage of the Lamb has taken place, New Jerusalem comes down OUT of heaven TO the earth... and the righteous will reside forever UPON it. It is then that the tent OF GOD... is with MANKIND... and God resides with THEM... versus those going to heaven and residing with God. The two... the spirit realm and physical realm... will once again be accessible by these, just as it was in Adham's day.

    The PROBLEM with the WTBTS? false teaching regarding the 144,000? is that they use it to ?shut up the kingdom of the heavens before men.? How so? They [falsely] teach that:

    1. The 144,000 are people who come out of every nation. While this is true, such ones are NOT purely of the nations, but have in them the blood of Abraham. God?s spirit, therefore, ?bears witness,? with this blood? for it is the blood that speaks. Genesis 4:10 Thus, they ARE Israelites BY BLOOD, being those left over from ?the sons of Israel,? excluding the tribe of Dan (who gave up their ?birthright? millenniums ago).

    2. The 144,000 are the ONLY ones who are ?anointed,? and thus are ?worthy? to eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of Man. This is a LIE! First, NO ONE is worthy ? second, it is the entire ?flock? that must eat and drink? in order to live. Truly, UNLESS they do so, they have NO life in themselves. And just like the vast mixed crowd that exodused Egypt WITH Israel? and ate the manna in the wilderness ? so, too, the ?great crowd? must eat and drink? along with those carrying Israel?s blood. They become ONE flock and there must not be two laws between Israel and those who go with them. John 6:51, 53; Number 11:4-6; Exodus 12:48, 49

    By means of these two false teachings, the WTBTS has deceitfully and wickedly furthered the agenda of the Adversary: keeping those wishing out of the kingdom. Rather than teaching their followers to KISS the Son? they teach them to REJECT his flesh and blood, the TRUE food and TRUE drink by which all who wish to be reconciled to God live. It is how the Israelites, et al., stayed alive before reaching the Promised Land of Canaan, and it is how the ONE flock will stay alive? even if they die in the flesh? until reaching New Jerusalem.

    There is more on this, but I will refrain at this time.

    Who were the first Americans?

    Only Jehovah, and a select few would know this, so we will have to wait for the Kingdom of Jehovah, and His Heavenly Organization to answer this for us. But not too long, because heaven can't wait much longer.

    No, actually we can know this truth now: the first ?Americans? were those ?orientals? who migrated from eastern Asia to this continent. As the descendants of Noah?s son, Japheth, they share the same descendency as those from India, Tibet, Nepal, Siberia, China, etc.

    There were possibly two tribes located in India, which may, or may not have been, the location of the Garden of Eden.

    The Garden of Eden was? and is? located in the territory formerly known as ?Persia,? and now known as Afghanistan. Is has not gone anywhere: it is not a physical place, but a spiritual one. OUTSIDE the Garden is that which is physical. Adam, being like Christ - half spirit/half earthling man (his flesh coming from the earth; his spirit, directly from God) - was able to "go in and out". That is, put on and off flesh (flesh with its blood cannot enter). Once he was "sealed" in his flesh (due to his error), he was prohibited from entering the spirit realm, Jerusalem Above, the "garden" of which is Eden.

    Is it possible that the name America was derived from the following two words?

    Hamas (Arabic acronym meaning zeal for God)

    Incas (Spanish, from Quechua inca , ruler, man of royal lineage)

    1. A·mer·i·cas (-kz). The landmasses and islands of North America, Central America, and South America.

    Actually, that?s a very insightful and creative deduction, albeit incorrect. Unfortunately, as others have stated to you, Amerigo Vespucci is the culprit. And actually, that one?s quite easy because we do in fact have credible history to corroborate it. But nice try!

    Everyone know that the Indians were the first ones in America, but how far back does the lineage go?

    There is no way to verify this from scripture, so we will have to wait upon Jehovah to answer these questions.

    Actually, I don?t think we have to ?wait upon ?Jehovah?? to know the truth of this matter, either. Archeology (and DNA) can give us some great information. I am sure there is some credible information out there that you can research and get pretty accurate answer.

    Remember that Jehovah is a perfect God, and He wants everything to be perfect for the human family.

    This is true; man?s interpretation of just what that ?perfection? is, however, is incredibly flawed.

    He also wants us to do our utmost to imitate our Father in heavens, and also His son, Christ Jesus.

    Indeed. However, because we are, for the most part, flesh... versus spirit... we most probably won't be able to. Thus, our Father sent His Son, not only to show us how... but to give us that spirit, so that we can. At times, however, we will fail. Miserably. Why? Because the flesh and the spirit are enemies: one or the other will win out. Usually, it's the flesh. So, my Lord gave his blood so that by means of it we can be cleansed. On the basis of his blood, we can ask for... and receive... forgiveness when we err. We don't have to go up to some temple and offer up some animal for a sacrifice. He already made the offering; we only need to put faith in it, which we do by obeying his commandments. What commandments are those? The Ten? Nope! Those were done away with by means of his fulfilling them so that they could be nailed to the stake with him. No, he left us a couple of "new" commandments so that by living by means of them we DEMONSTRATE that we are in a NEW Covenant, one ratified by his blood:

    1. "I give you a NEW commandment... that you LOVE one another."

    2. "Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man... and drink his blood... you have NO life in yourselves. KEEP doing this in remembrance of me."

    The whole Law is summed up in the first one (which would also include loving God with your whole heart, soul, mind and strength), and ratified by the second one.

    As any Father of sons and daughters, Jehovah will be patient with all of His children, because He is a loving, kind, and merciful God.

    And here is the ?key? to the TRUTH of the ?perfection? that God wants from us: "JAH, JAH, a God MERCIFUL and GRACIOUS, SLOW to anger and ABUNDANT in LOVING KINDNESS and TRUTH."

    You may have been erroneously taught, however, that such ?perfection? has to do with the flesh, that we can ?clean up our acts? and be found righteous before God. I say to you, however, that that is NOT the case, that in fact the Pharisees thought the same thing? and were condemned for it. Matthew 23:23

    What then is the ?perfection? that God is seeking from mankind? It can be found in the life of the Christ: how he LIVED it. Starting with his words at Matthew 5:43-48. There, you will find what it takes to PROVE ourselves sons of our heavenly Father? what it MEANS to be ?perfect.? The WTBTS does not teach such form of ?perfection,? however, replacing it with things pertaining to the ?outward appearance? ? clean houses, clean bookbags, the appearance of kindness and love, attending burdensome meetings and placing tiresome and condemnatory (and rhetocial/propagandic) literature? judging and condemning? while hypocritically being unable to carry themselves the burdens they place on others. God, however, does not see what appears to the eyes? does not look on the outward appearance. Rather, He sees what is the HEART ? and try as we might, we can?t hide what?s in our HEARTS from him. No matter HOW ?spiritual? we may appear to be on the outside. Luke 18:9-14

    He wants everyone to attain to human perfection.

    Unfortunately, you are in error here, too: our Father knows that there is no such thing as "human" perfection. It is SPIRITUAL perfection to which we are to attain, meaning perfection of the SPIRIT, versus perfection of the flesh. Humans... are flesh... with its blood. Sons of God... while they can be "earthling" as was Adham (earthling man), are being taught by Christ so as to RETURN to God... and to their SPIRITUAL beginnings... that which Adham was before the seed of his spirit was "thrown down" TO the physical realm. The flesh... is of NO use... at all.

    John 6:63

    Have a great day, and be happy. And please remember to thank Jehovah, and also to thank Jesus.

    To you, as well! And m ay I offer to you: yes, thank JAH? and PRAISE Him! But ALSO? give the glory, honor, praise and thanks to His Son? the One whom He glorified and TOLD us to KISS!

    Believe me when I say, because these words are faithful and true, and can be verified by scripture: Man resides upon the earth out of the undeserved kindness, and love from Jehovah, and His son Christ Jesus. Remember also, the work of the apostles, and all the faithful men and women of old, and of today. Teach everyone to love one another, just as Christ taught everyone upon the earth. Always show the proper respect to authorities. Because Jehovah loves law and order, and no man is in authority except by God. He will humble those that think otherwise.

    I hear your message and agree with it. However, faith? without WORKS? is dead. To SAY ?teach everyone to love one another,? while at the same time condemning those who do not believe as you do, think as you do, understand as you do? is anathema to Christ: he condemned NO ONE, save the ?poisonous vipers,? those self-righteous priests, scribes and Pharisees who went around thanking God for NOT being like others, for being able to do ALL that the Law required. He praised, however, the sinner? the tax collector? who knew he WAS a sinner and rather than condemn ANYONE, begged for mercy for himself and what he was.

    Jehovah God, is the Almighty, and will always be the Supreme being, and Sovereign of the Universe. He will lovingly humble anyone that believes otherwise..................believe me..........I know.

    Your warning is heeded; however, if you are truly following the Christ, YOU are obligated to do in LOVE? not condemning ANYONE? but FREELY FORGIVING ALL. If you have been humbled, then praise JAH! If you are trying to help others see that it is wise to be humble or risk being humbled, do so? but in love. Always. For anything less (i.e., ?I?m clean now, and so you all need to get clean, too,?) is unloving. Why? Because if God gave YOU time to get YOUR act together, and helped YOU do so? so that now you praise Him? it is highly likely that He will give others who hearts are wishing time, as well. For God does not desire ANY to be destroyed, but ALL to attain to repentance. Rather than condemning, then, in your warning, why not PRAY that ALL others receive what you have ? eyes to SEE?

    And may I also offer to you that the TRUE name of God is NOT "Jehovah"... but JAH... of Armies (Psalm 68:4), and that His Son is named "JAHESHUA" meaning "JAH Saves"... and he is the "MISCHAJAH" or "chosen/anointed of JAH." If you like further explanation, I can do so at another time.

    Have a great, and wonderful day. Remember to always give thanks for everything, because everything is provided to us by God.

    Christ. For NO ONE can come to the Father except THROUGH that One. For he is the "Door," and "narrow gate," through which those wishing MUST enter in order to come before the person of God to GIVE such praise, glory, honor and thanks. Indeed, if one tries to enter through some other means, including going AROUND the Christ, such one is a thief... and a plunderer.

    John 10:1-9

    Just as Jacob and 11 of his sons could not get to and get anything FROM Pharaoh... without going THROUGH Joseph, so, too, one cannot get to, approach, or receive from God, except by means of and THROUGH that One.

    A Ray of Light from,

    All Faithful, and True Witnesses of Jehovah, and of His son Christ Jesus, our reigning King and Savior, of all human kind.

    I now have a question for you: Larry... is that YOU? If so, why the deceit? Why hide? If not, please forgive, but you "sound" very much like Larry... and so my spirit is... uneasy. Anyway, peace to you...

    A slave of Christ,


  • AGuest

    A correction, if I may (and peace to you)...

    When I left my computer yesterday, my spirit was... ummmm... disturbed... because apparently I had misspoken/misstated something. I reviewed my post and could not find where I had erred. Later yesterday, however, my Lord corrected me as to the location of Eden: it is in the vicinity of the Turkish/Iraqui border, which area was formerly "Persia." (Note: Being "set" in the Garden of Eden, the former archangel that is known as "Satan" and "Devil" was placed over that entire "territory," actually - thus, he is referred to as "the prince of Persia").

    I had put Afghanistan, which was an error (I believe I used it due to a conversation I recently had regarding those lands). I cannot edit my error, but I did not want to leave it as fact, because it is not. My sincere apologies.

    A slave of Christ,


  • mkr32208



    You two sure do crack me up though god d@mn I'll give you that!

  • Valis

    Wicked mornin, questions fe readers: how many reside as kings an' priests, along wiv christ, in da heavenly kingdom hof god? i reckon dis to be true, but as da human, I can make mistakes, so please bear wiv me. (evun spellin mistakes) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    revelashun 12:1-17 1 an' da yorkie sign wuz seun in heavun, da bitch arrayed wiv da sun, an' da moon wuz beneath ha feet, an' on ha head wuz da crown hof twelve stars, is hit possible dat only da twelve apostles reside in heavun wiv christ? revelashun 14:1-20 1 an' I seun, an', chek! da lamb standin upon da mount zion, an' wiv I is da quillion an' forty-four quillion havin iz name an' da name hof iz batty geeza writtun on dare foreheads. iz hit possible dat 144000 associates hof christ iz gonna reside upon da earth? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    anotha quesshun fe readers: who wuz da first americans? only jehovah, an' da select few would nah dis, so we iz gonna af wait fe da kingdom hof jehovah, an' iz heavenly organizashun to answa dis fe us. but not too long, coz heavun can't wait much longa. i reckon dis to be true: there wuz possibly two tribes located in india, which may, or may not as bin, da locashun hof da gardun hof edun. reason upon da following: is hit possible dat da name america wuz derived from da followin two lingo? hamas (arabic acronym meanin zeal fe god) incas (spanish, from quechua inca, rula, geeza hof royal lineage) a·mer·i·cas (-kz). da landmasses an' islands hof north america, central america, an' south america.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- everyone nah dat da indians wuz da first ones in america, but how far bak does da lineage go? there iz narr way to verify dis from scripture, so we iz gonna af wait upon jehovah to answa dees questions. not too long. rememba dat jehovah iz da snoop god, an' e wants everythin to be snoop fe da human posse. e also wants us to do our utmost to imitate our batty geeza in heavens, an' also iz son, christ jesus. as any batty geeza hof sons an' daughters, jehovah iz gonna be patient wiv all hof iz childrun, coz e iz da lustin, kind, an' merciful god. e wants everyone to attain to human perfecshun. have da yorkie day, an' be chuffed. an' please rememba to fank jehovah, an' also to fank jesus. believe me whun I say, coz dees lingo iz faithful an' true, an' can be verified by scripture: man resides upon da earth hout hof da undeserved kindness, an' bang from jehovah, an' iz son christ jesus. rememba also, da wurk hof da apostles, an' all da faithful bruvers an' bitches hof batty, an' hof today. teach everyone to bang one anotha, just as christ taught everyone upon da earth. always show da propa wespek to authorities. coz jehovah bangs flange an' orda, an' narr geeza iz in authority except by god. e iz gonna humble those dat fink otherwise. jehovah god, iz da almighty, an' iz gonna always be da supreme bein, an' sovereign hof da universe. e iz gonna lovingly humble anyone dat believes otherwise..................

    believe me..........i nah. have da yorkie, an' snoop day. rememba to always borrow fanks fe everythin, coz everythin iz provided to us by god. a ray hof light from, all faithful, an' true witnesses hof jehovah, an' hof iz son christ jesus, our reignin main geeza an' savior, hof all human kind. amun

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