I think I wanna go to the kingdom hall this sunday...

by Sweetp0985 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • codeblue

    Jgnat: you make me laugh!!!

  • Eyebrow2

    When you get out of the org, you are supposed to use your clear thinking and new sight to better yourself. Going to gloat, my friend, is just sad. Use your free on Sunday to do something productive. I don't thinking letting your stepmother know that you know that they know that she knows....blah blah is very kind or loving. Be the bigger person and skip the meeting on Sunday.

  • Sweetp0985

    Whew...thanks for all the encourging posts. It was just a thought and plus i wanted to see my dad...but anyways i talked to him briefly on the phone yesterday. He was calling for my brother but I took the oppurtunity to see how long a convo with me would last. 5 mins. as usual but anyway it wasn't his usual "is your brother there, tell him I called" bit. But no I'm not going Sunday....More than likely I'll go to church and then come home and lounge all day in front of the TV watching football....but like i said..it was just a crazy thought i had for a minute....

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