Jehovah Witness promotion of as the place to get answers to all of lifes important question is the height of arrogance

by Brokeback Watchtower 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • besty

    "wait, you are suggesting I entrust my spiritual welfare to really?"

    "can I ask why you think that makes sense? <in your own words>"

  • Viviane
    Viviane - If the website didn't answer all of your questions, then you clearly don't have the right heart condition and you aren't worth her time.

    It was a pretty funny discussion, OEJ. They used a leaflet "Would you like to know the Truth". Question 1 was "Does God really care about us"....I don't believe in God, then they asked how I thought we got here, I said "That a great question, we know that evolution was a part of the process, but the specifics of how life got started and exactly how it evolved are a great question that science is still looking into". 

    That turned into a discussion on logic and how every mystery ever solved turned out to not be magic. Eventually, the JW's admitted that something that exist without a creator and that evolution is real. 

  • steve2
    If Witnesses directed me to their website, I'd quote the Watchtower of a very few short years ago that blatantly portrayed the internet as an untrustworthy source of information.
  • BluesBrother
    I think soon they are going to drop the door to door work all together 

    No, one must remember the main purpose of it . It is not to gather "sheep" , it is to keep the r & f busy, make them feel important, have them them justify their hope of salvation. If it were not for that, they could just say "Oh that's nice", and carry on in the hope of paradise. This makes a movement, an army with a work to accomplish - it keeps them going...

    I agree with your comments about turning to a website for enlightenment . Laughable!.

    only scare away people except the most vulnerable/gullible.

    Isn't that the very ones they are targeting? That's whom they want !

  • Heaven
    The website answers zero, bupkiss, and the sum total of jack shiite of life's important questions.
  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    If the Door to Door work isn't making profit for the Corporation it's the duty of it's CEO to make changes unless they are useless deluded fools(which may be true?). Eventually I think it will come to this as there are other way to put the brain dead drones to work that will make profits, Kingdom Hall building is one way to fleece the sheep for profits.
  • Half banana
    Half banana

    The JW org is about as useful as a one legged centipede. You have a hard question? “Then turn to JW org.”  Why? Why on earth would  you want do that when in the one hundred and thirty five years that they have been publishing, I can think of not one original thing that the Watchtower has ever said which has been a worthwhile piece of information to own and act upon. (Apart from the platitudes on good social behaviour which don’t need telling in the first place). They have though spewed a catalogue of harmful misleading  information and false predictions.

    Just imagine the colossal expenditure of time and human effort listening to and pursuing this organisation for all those years...the wasted lives...the stifled ambitions...the deaths.

    Forests, probably once visible from space, will have disappeared in the prodigious paper consumption used in the past for JWorg literature. The print numbers for magazines were the highest distribution of any title in the world... and yet they must also be the least read... and not surprising since the contents are rubbish! No “rubbish” is too kind a word, JW literature is unmitigated and irredeemably useless drivel! The whole output, of the JW org, in the name of God, is simply indoctrination to bend the minds of the flock towards submission to their deranged will.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    I think all these child molestation law suits pay out if forcing the hand of these CEOs to change their business model to something more profitable than offering literature for free/voluntary donations. They made a big blunder on the donation arrangement for magazine full of bull shit that only idiot could love.

    It will take time but I see it coming, all they have to do is stop putting emphasis on the door to door work and shift it over to other project more profitable for the Corporation. These can be done with very little fan fare just a simple and gradual shift in writing material.

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