Do you believe Mary was a virgin?

by JustTickledPink 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • JustTickledPink

    My Catholic friend and I were talking the other night about the Virgin Mary. She doesn't even believe that she was a virgin and she doesn't believe in the immaculate conception.

    If you think about it logically today, if you had a fiance that went to visit relatives for a few months and then came back pregnant and told you it was God's child, would you believe it? Would you still marry her and raise that child and believe he was the son of God?

    OR - would you break off the engagement and tell her you're not gullible.

  • Elsewhere
    If you think about it logically today, if you had a fiance that went to visit relatives for a few months and then came back pregnant and told you it was God's child, would you believe it? Would you still marry her and raise that child and believe he was the son of God?

    The man was a SUCKER. Girl got knocked up and made up a lie so she wouldn't get stoned to death.

  • RandomTask

    Are you kidding? I totally tapped that!

  • Leolaia

    The story in Matthew however is haggadaic retelling of legends about the birth of Moses which applies them to Jesus. Not that Moses' mother was necessarily a Mary-like figure (tho Moses' sister Miriam < Mary supplied some motifs, and the virgin motif is traceable to other sources), but the part about Joseph divorcing Mary because of her pregnancy is clearly derived (at least in part) from the cycle of legends about Moses' birth.

    I'm going to post a Christmas-themed analysis of this when the holiday draws near.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    She didn't stay a virgin, though.


  • Abaddon

    You wouldn't want to play poket with the bitch.

    She gets one in the oven when she is bethrothed, convinces him it's god's, and convinces her son he is the son of god so he bases his entire life on.

    An entire world religion based around a horny, lying fourteen year-old.

    So, NO, I don't believe she was a virgin even if there was a Jesus. There are common-sense and linguistic reasons for this, as the original word can mean 'young woman'.

  • frankiespeakin

    I beleive the VB was all based on legends incorperated into the gospels to help sell the religion. I read somewhere that the Gospels among other things are just sales pitches for a particular community's beleifs. IThis is a crude way to put it,,but basically true none the less.

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    well, i assume she was a virgin 'cause weren't all young unmarried girls allegedgly chaste in those days?

    An entire world religion based around a horny, lying fourteen year-old.
    So, NO, I don't believe she was a virgin even if there was a Jesus.
    hmm... this might interest you...
  • Joyzabel

    Leolaia said:

    I'm going to post a Christmas-themed analysis of this when the holiday draws near.

    yeah!! I'll be watching.


  • JustTickledPink

    What I found interesting was back when I took a "world religions" course (years ago) many of the eastern religions had their religious figure heads or gods born in mystical/supernatural ways. I can't exactly remember correctly but I think it was in the Hindu faith, he was born from an elephant and sent by God, and there are other weird ones. But the theme of a "virginal" or "Immaculate conception" isn't limited to Christianity, the theme is present in other religions... just like the story of the flood is present in other religions, just different stories.

    Personally, I think if God really wanted to come to earth he would just fly down and appear. And why did he wait till he was 30 years old to get baptized? He waited an awful long time to get his preaching work started. What was he doing with all his time between 18 - 30 ? I don't know many JW boys that get away with waiting till they are 30 to get baptized.

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