Sacred Feminine

by New Castles 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Gretchen956
    I bet you use that chatup line with all the guys

    Oh Ross, you wish! Angel

  • Wild_Thing

    And my book recommendation would be ...

    The Woman with the Alabaster Jar by Margaret Starbird.

    It's a classic.

  • LittleToe


    So... how YOU doin' ?

  • Sunnygal41

    The Woman with the Alabaster Jar

    Another book I've been meaning to get my hands has come very highly recommended by a few women friends...........

  • Sirona

    Great Topic!

    There are many War goddesses. People used to accept the necessity of death a lot more readily in times gone by. They saw that things must die (as part of nature). What you need to understand is that it wasn't the "good versus evil" mentality.

    War Goddesses are spectacular and are every much as divine as the Goddesses of Love.

    Some fierce Goddesses were also protectors. They would protect children and childbirth for instance.

    I don't know of any societies who needlessly attacked other nations at the whim of a Goddess. Maybe someone else does?


  • Tatiana



    since 05-Jan-01

    I'll gladly follow the Goddess who decrees that my children don't have to murder women and children because they sit on a natural resource my country covets.

    This thinly veiled support of global peace is welcome in my eyes. Ummm, welcome and timely.[/quote]

  • redhotchilipepper

    I'm really excited about getting these books too. As JW's we could never explore any of this stuff. It sounds juicy and interesting. I definately think that male and female complement each other in every way. Our differences, together make us complete, ONE. When a man and woman Marry they become ONE. It's harmonious. I agree with what the others have said. Terri and Sherri, very wise words. Keep them coming. It's good to learn this. WOW.

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