What TV/movie characters could you see as JWs?

by MungoBaobab 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Preston

    Kevin French from "MIssion Hill"

    Kevin is the annoying nerdy brother who wants to be cool, and doesn't realize he can't find the answer by doing a search on Google or Yahoo!.

    BTW, I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Norman Bates yet...or the family from "Six Feet Under"

  • Valis

    William H. Macy in Door To Door..


    District Overbeer

  • minimus

    Archie Bunker and Edith would be a typical old elder and faithful wife and Gloria and Meathead would be the liberal soon to be future "apostates".

  • MungoBaobab

    Great responses, everybody!

    Snowcrash: Don't you think Napolean would love the Revelation book for its illustrations?

    No Apologies: Spot on, man.

    Shamus: I actually had a brother in my Hall a few years back that looked quite a bit like MiIlton. TRUE STORY: He once took a leak on a not-at-home's front lawn during service. In a subdivision!

    What about this? He's uneducated, means well, and doesn't know when to be quiet.

    Did yousa hearen bout dat bombad latest battle in da Clone Wars? (allows for response) Many people dyin! You knowsa, da BIBLE been a-foretellin' times like deez for a longo time. (reads Matthew 24: 6&7) Isa got some magazines here dat be tellin' of happy times a-comin.

  • Lostreality

    the boss from fight club

    "im gonna need you out pioneering this week, deprioritize the rest of your life, make this your main focus"

  • MungoBaobab

    Actually Fight Club isn't all that different than being a Witness. Weeknight meetings, special campaigns, recruiting new members from town to town. Except the First Rule of Being a Witness is...YOU MUST TALK ABOUT BEING A WITNESS!!

  • Euphemism

    Mungo... that is wrong, Wrong, WRONG!

  • Swan



    He's uneducated, means well, and doesn't know when to be quiet.


  • MungoBaobab

    Don't encourage me dammit! I'm having too much fun as it is!


    Look around you, Neo. The world... Is set against you. The governments... The schools... The churches. All part of a system beyond our control. All around us, millions of people, living their lives within this system see us as a threat to their very existence. That is why they refuse to believe, Neo. They blind their eyes. Come with me if you want to know the Truth.

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