Faithful "ones" that married outside the faith

by blondie 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • figureitout

    I look at the advice of not marrying outside the faith to be more general. I think the bible examples mean not to marry people who do not believe in one God and Jesus. I do not think faith and religion can be used in the same way, example I think there is a HUGE difference in saying do not marry someone from a different religion compared to saying do not marry someone of a different faith. Of course this is just my opinion.

  • Mary
    I think the bible examples mean not to marry people who do not believe in one God and Jesus. I do not think faith and religion can be used in the same way, example I think there is a HUGE difference in saying do not marry someone from a different religion compared to saying do not marry someone of a different faith.

    Yes but as we know, there's a huge difference between what the bible means, and what the Borganization means. What they really mean is: you shouldn't marry anyone that doesn't believe in going to 5 meetings a week, studying their material on days you don't go to the meetings, going out in Service every chance you get, or anyone who has any ambition to be anything other than a Cheese & Cracker Bro/Pioneer/Yes Man. Has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not you believe in God and Jesus.

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