Movies coming to theater that you want to see!

by DIY2008 24 Replies latest social entertainment

  • GentlyFeral

    There's going to be a Lemony Snicket movie? OH MY GOD!

    I also want to see

    • Finding Neverland, 'cause I adore both James Barrie and Johnny Depp.
    • The Incredibles (soft spot for John Goodman),
    • Ray
    • The Motorcycle Diaries
    • and I confess to some mild curiosity about Polar Express.

    I still haven't caught up with the stuff I wanted to see last year, like Bad Santa - but that's on DVD now. A good thing, too, 'cause all the theatres are showing the same eight or nine movies - where's a good Iranian slice-o-life or Hong Kong wire-fu flick when you need one? Back to Netflix and the public library for me...


  • omiecoop

    Polar Express is an awesome movie, but if anyone plans on taking a YOUNG one, DON'T!

    My 4 year old grandson was scared witless the entire time! It was a little too real for him, I think.

    The movie is great for grownups tho. Maybe some little ones might like it, but it is VERY INTENSE.

  • Insomniac

    I just heard that Johnny Depp is going to play Willie Wonka in a remake of Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory due out next year. Directed by Tim Burton, who else? I can't wait; this was my fave movie when I was little, and I just know that Burton & Depp will do it justice.

    Also, Meet the Fokkers and Kinsey are on our list for this winter.

  • GentlyFeral


    I just heard that Johnny Depp is going to play Willie Wonka in a remake of Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory due out next year.

    Oh, holy gawd. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was one of my favorite books when I was young. The movie, however, sucked whole cemetaries full of dead donkeys'. My Netflix review of same:

    "Truly, truly awful. A waste of time, space, and money. The score is possibly the most insipid music ever produced in the Western world, and the set designs are all Disney rejects. To keep from going insane from the horrendous sights and sounds, fast-forward over every scene in which Gene Wilder does not appear. His arch portrayal of confectionery genius Willy Wonka is the only redeeming feature of this film."
    (3 people found this review helpful.)

    Directed by Tim Burton, who else? I can't wait; this was my fave movie when I was little, and I just know that Burton & Depp will do it justice.

    They'd better. That's all I can say.

    Gently Feral
    too lazy for colored signatures tonight

  • DIY2008

    I heard about Johnny playing Willie along time ago. I CAN'T BELEIVE PEOPLE WANT JOHNNY TO PLAY OLD PEOPLE! JOHNNY NEEDS TO PLAY YOUNG AND HOTT CHARACTERS WHICH SUIT HIM! Take Jack Sparrow for instance - Johnny looked hott in eye liner.

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