I had the enviable position of working as literature counter servant when I was a JW. I was also asked to do a spreadsheet of all the magazines everyone was allotted every week for field service itemized by publisher, "interested ones", and people who forgot their Watchtowers on Sunday. When I gave up my position someone else took over and used my spreadsheet system. When I stopped going out in service, the literature counter servant informed me of the unfortuate position I was putting themselves in because I wasn't picking up "my magazines", and the cabinets were overflowing with 'em and they didn't want them to go to waste. The very last meeting I went to, I dont' remember I single person who talked to me, however the literature servant guy was the one guy who was determined to hunt me down and do everything in his power to get me "my magazines". I didn't pick them up.
later on, when I wasn't going to meetigns anymore they called and asked me when I was picking "my magazines" up. I told them I didnt care, and I told them to wrap them all up and throw them in a fire. Ha!, they made it sound like I had just insulted their family lineage, burned down their house, and tortured their cat! It was like I had just burned the American Flag at a Baseball Game....how dare ANYONE thrown them away! And there's the rub, the work is already done for you because everybody throws 'em out...even devout dubbies because thats all the literature is good for, besides its not like anyone keeps them anyway...all of the standard JW's get watchtower volumes every year...and if you're really special you got them from the 1880's on up. All I see it as a waste of space. It doesn't matter how much free literature you get from them, it will all end up in the garbage dump later on.....