Christmas police

by ctrwtf 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • ctrwtf

    Just curious.  Have any of you 'postates been accused of celebrating Christmas?  How did/would you respond?

    I was paid a visit by the Christmas Police even though I've been inactive for 8 years.  In true WT form I used the reasoning that the truth only needs to be told to those that deserve to know it.

  • Phizzy

    I don't quite know that I would ever be in a position to respond to the Christmas Police, because I would not invite them in to discuss any such matter.

    it would be totally ridiculous to accuse me though, I do not believe in Jesus in any religious sense, so would not celebrate his birth.

    Celebrate a Pagan festival ?  well I may have many of the trappings around at that time of year, lots of good food, lots of drink, pretty lights, friends to enjoy these things with me etc etc, but again, I do not believe in any pagan gods, so what am I doing wrong exactly, according to the Bible ?

    Idolatry involved the participant believing in the said god or goddess, merely eating the meat sacrificed to such gods was O.K according to Paul, and my bloody great Turkey was not even sacrificed to a god.

    What a lot of blathering nonsense the JW's go in for, they would spend time trying to chuck out someone who hangs a few lights on his house in mid-winter, but will cover up the crimes of Paedophiles.

  • ctrwtf
    Thanks Phizzy.  Nice perspective.  I was assured how much they "loved" me.  This by the elder whose home I've never been to and who couldn't remember my name even while I was attending.
  • maninthemiddle
    I was DFd by the christmas police, although it finally happened at halloween the next year. But by then I was inactive 5 years.
  • blondie

    We put up white lights in the trees all year long.  We put up snowflake lights and snowmen (I checked, making snowmen is not against WTS rules).  No problems for 12 years.  Did it  while we were still going.

    But avoid Santas and scenes of the holy family. 

  • Pistoff

    This year I had a large inflatable snowman and three red candy canes; I got the stinkeye from a super gung ho family member.

    Still, candy canes; are they a christmas light?

  • happy@last
    I was visited by them a couple of years ago before I DA'd. I told them I thought it was ridiculous and petty and I would not tell them if I had a tree in my own house or not. They said 'it has been reported...' I asked who reported it and they said they did not know, so I said if they were not going to tell me then I was not going to tell them! It became extremely silly.
  • Decided

    My brother and wife were DFed for putting some decorations outside in the yard. His wife did it and he decided to keep his wife instead of the JWs so they DFed him too. They both had been JWs for 40 years or more.


  • WTWizard

    So far, they have been doing a dubber's job trying to catch me.  I have a Christmas tree, lit all summer long, where it is readily visible from a highway behind my apartment complex (if any hounder wishes to risk getting into an accident because of not paying attention to the road, it might be able to see it).  I have been buying "sun worship" decorations, openly, for quite some time.  I also display them openly in places where any hounder would be able to see without much trouble.

    And, now with Saturn in Sagittarius, what are they going to do about it, disfellowship me?  No going to Israel.  No wasting silver on donations to the Worldwide Damnation Fund.  No having to waste time (and silver) on field circus.  No going through my music collection to toss the "bad" songs.  No worrying about last-minute Grand Boasting Session changes (dates, venues, or both) working against me and possibly to my damnation and that of the whole human race.  My message to the Christmas police is, if all you can do is disfellowship me for displaying these items, I will put up some more right in front of them.  While playing Christmas songs.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    We had been inactive three yrs when I put winter decorations outside our house . Nothing that screamed Christmas mind you ,just lighted deer ,a sled and some white lights around the porch railing . The Elders stopped by in no time to express how much they missed us (after three yrs ) ,and by the way are you celebrating xmas ??   I told them the lights cheered me up from the winter blahs ,and closed the door . About four months later the Elder saw me in the grocery store ,and asked if he could stop by our home for a sheparding call .....silly me said, 'Sure come on over " , **note to any lurkers NEVER EVER DO THIS it is a trap !....   I am a nice person though ,and I usually expect others to behave the same way ,they call this affliction 'being naive " !!    So a few days later this Elder and another brother stop by our house .Immediately he begins the spiel about how bad the world is ,how close we are to the END ,and how much we are missed . After some chit chat ,and me telling them I have never been happier in my life than I am now ,why would I return to a lifestyle that caused me undue depression ,anxiety and general feelings of low self worth ???   When he ran out of answers he finally got to the REAL reason for their visit . He stated ' the REAL reason we came by tonight was to ask you if you are now celebrating Christmas '.( so in other words it was not because they love and miss us after all ) I laughed and told him after three years of non attendance ,and no interest from them ....that they no longer had any right to know my personal business . When he tried again I firmly told him I would in no way be sharing my personal life with him or answering any questions about my personal business. This put him off ,and he said it was easy to write a letter of disassociation ,but i told him I did not feel it necessary for me to do anything of the sort ,and I showed him the door .     Of course this was the beginning of undue harassment ,phone calls ,drop bys ,and finally an invite to a JC meeting . I contacted the Police ,and was advised to send a cease and desist letter to the Elders . The Police Officer made a personal visit to the Elders home to explain what cease  meant ,and that was the last i have ever heard from them .

    Now my husband has created an award winning ,computer aided light ,and music show in our front yard for Halloween ,and Christmas ! It is loads of fun .

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