well folks im out

by koolkeithfl 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • BrendaCloutier

    KewlKeith, I'm sorry you had to subject yourself to the JC crap. However, I'm proud of you! You held yourself above their bs.



  • Badger

    Not everyone can be as lucky as a straight fader...but congrats!

    If you ever bump into them, remember...let them see how happy you are to be free!

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    it felt great, like taking a big dump after you haven't for 27 years.

    crude, but accurate.

    I'm DA'd, & I love it. [wife not so happy about it ]

    Like others said, the best revenge is a life well lived. I belive that, and now I live it.

    Enjoy your new freedom to discover your true Self!



  • Cicatrix

    "they told me i wasn't gonna see my father in the new system. they said he'll be looking for me and i won't be there. arrrrrrrrrrrrrr!" Hmm, I wonder whatever happened to "Judge not lest you be judged." I thought only Jesus could decide that with Jehovah's authority.See that comment for what is was-a last ditch emotional appeal, well intentioned or not. I actually started having serious doubts about the organisation a couple of years after I was baptised, but allowed a similar appeal to keep me in for way too many years-almost twenty.The elder used the "think of your children's future" appeal on me. He was sincere, but I wasn't clear headed.After my children shared their true feelings with me years later, I realized we would've been much better off if I'd have followed my gut instinct and DA'd way back then, before they were old enough to have been exposed to the organisation in ways that may affect them the rest of their lives. Welcome to the rest of your life:)

  • mouthy

    So glad your free! Your mind will have flash backs!!!! But as long as the body is away from the mind control, the mind will heal.... In a few months you will think as I do" How could I be so stupid to believe a loving God wanted me to go out in all weathers, with Rheamatoid Arth. Diabetus, caracts, a black eye from my beatings, No money after giving up my job for them....I now sit on my butt ---- Watch T.V Yes "the Young & the Restless" A no-no as a JW... I buy presents for the holidays, celebrate birthdays -vote! say" Bless you "if someone sneezes. And laugh at jokes!!! I even show love to homosexuels, adulterers, preists, Nuns, folks who swear etc etc.. Things as a self rightous JW I never did. Shame on me!!!!! Congratulations (((HUG)))

  • Preston
    it felt great, like taking a big dump after you haven't for 27 years.

    I have plenty of old Wathctowers you can use if you need them...

  • Kenneson


    I was disfellowshipped for apostasy 38 years ago (in 1966); I was shunned by some family members and friends, but I found new friends to replace them. I have not set foot in a Kingdom Hall since and never will again (never is too soon!). And I'm happier now than when I was a JW. Life has gone on beautifully, in spite of what Jws maintain.

    Good for you that you have made the break. They have no more of a hold on you.

    P.S. I see you're from Florida. I live in Tallahassee. Are you anywhere near here?

  • koolkeithfl

    "I have plenty of old Wathctowers you can use if you need them... " thanks cuz i just burned my last copies.

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