The Most Awaited Video Game Of All Time - Halo 2

by FMZ 16 Replies latest social entertainment

  • FMZ

    Yup.. it's been dubbed the most awaited video game of all time. I have to agree, it looks awesome, and the reviews were amazing.

    I don't usually get caught up with gaming any more, this whole "job" thing gets in the way.

    I'll be heading home when my shift finishes at 12:30am, and yes, I'll be detouring to Walmart on the way to pick it up.

    Anyone here going out at midnight to pick it up? I hear there are some other stores opening especially for the release.


  • drwtsn32

    Meh, I'm more of a Metroid guy myself. Can't wait unitl the 17th when Metroid Prime 2 comes out!

  • FMZ

    I remember the old Metroid days... but haven't played the new one due to the lack of a Gamecube :((.


  • Simon

    I'm waiting for Halo 2 as well.

    Halo 2 on XBox live ... mmnn, I'd best buy some new controllers in case I wear them out

  • bem

    My son and son-n-law have had theres pre-paid for a few weeks now,,, they were going when they got off work to get there copies. Thirty minute drive from home for them to. But still had to have them now. I kinda understand.

  • Corvin
    My son and son-n-law have had theres pre-paid for a few weeks now,,, they were going when they got off work to get there copies.

    Yes, do did my (future son-in-law). They are just crazy about that game, and I have to admit, as one who was never into video games, it really does rock.


  • Elsewhere

    Does this game require the same hardware acceleration as Doom II?

  • doodle-v

    J's waiting in line right now at the company store. The line goes all the way around the building he says.

    I can't wait to play it!

    I heard the PC version for Halo 2 won't be out for at least six months.


  • codeblue

    FMZ: I smiled when I saw your thread!!!

    My youngest son is 23 and loves his x-box........and the original Halo.........I am sure he was waiting in line to get the new game!!!!!!!


  • drwtsn32

    Halo 2 party at Doodle's tonight!

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