Assembly & C.O. /D.O. Elder meeting notes

by doinmypart 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • confusedjw

    Thanks for the info DOINMYPART - YOUDIDYOURPART

  • BluesBrother

    Nice one, doinmypart.

    Do they not understand that these warnings against the net can have a reverse effect. When they printed that famous KM Insert 2 or 3 years ago, I was suddenly fascinated. I just had to find out. I had to go to the library and learn how to use the net, and use their computers at first. But Boy was it good!! The rest is history...

    2nd thoughts

    A university education can teach you about Alexander the Great, but only Jehovah can introduce you to him in the coming New World.

    If power mad dictators are going to "Inherit" the earth, Do I want to be there?

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    It was the same story with Radio, Rock, Disco, Television, Cable TV, Dancing, Higher Education, etc, etc, etc.....

    The Song remains the same.

  • ozziepost

    Good one , doinmypart. I feel sorry for you having to sit through all that stuff. Like someone else said, they're more pharisaical than the pharisees.

    The WTS are a new class - "the pharisees class"

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Thank you so much doinmypart!

    And just where in the Bible does it say to do this:

    We need to allow sufficient time to see the person's works of repentance which could take a year or years.

    And this is just how I felt before I quit going altogether:

    In my opinion it seems the Society is getting stricter. Another peeve is the WT message of do more is unrelenting, and then we hear, "are you tired? stop partying on the weekend and wasting time in unnecessary pursuits, then you will have energy for spiritual pursuits". Or we're constantly being chided as if we're children for wearing something wrong/watching something bad/associating with so-and-so. This has gotten beyond ridiculous, the WT's control over minutia is amazing. I realize many of the R&F (like my family) are good people and believe what they're told, but the WT has to end sooner rather than later.
  • kwintestal

    Thank you doinmypart for the sacrifice you have made for the good of all Apostatekind. It took bravery to go behind enemy lines, bravery and courage. For that we all thank you. Your deeds will not go unforgotten.

    Really though, thanks for keeping us up to date regarding what our still believing families are being fed.


  • blondie

    "We should always listen to God's word, and his Organization. If we don't heed Godly wisdom we are stupid, S-T-U-P-I-D. [The C.O. talked about dress/grooming, television, sports/hobbies and each time asked will we listen to wisdom or be S-T-U-P-I-D. After talking about hobbies many in the audience chuckled when he spelled stupid]. We need to listen to the wisdom from above when it comes to using our computers. We should use our computers for theocratic study. And don't be fooled by thinking that secured Witness sites are secure. Some sites ask for a song title or a line from a Kingdom Ministry. Friends don't be S-T-U-P-I-D [the C.O. gestured for the the audience to help him audibly spell stupid, only a few joined], don't you think Satan can read a songbook?"

    I would have walked out if I hadn't already.

    How totally abusive!!!!!!

    And how is Satan communicating these song titles to people on the Internet.

    It appears that the message about the lies of the WTS is reaching people.


  • 95stormfront
    Friends don't be S-T-U-P-I-D [the C.O. gestured for the the audience to help him audibly spell stupid, only a few joined], don't you think Satan can read a songbook?"

    I don't think my feet would've been able to move fast enough to get me out of a A$$embly if I'd had to sit through that "Simon says" nonsense. HOw on earth could any group of people just sit there and take that type of abuse? If they were anywhere else, I'm sure they would've left in droves, but they just sit there and take it.


  • doinmypart

    Thanks for the kind words.

    I don't post often, but when the C.O. started calling people STUPID, I couldn't believe it. I had to post.

    Hopefully there are others that attended a recent 2004-2005 Circuit Assembly, heard the "warnings" about the Internet, and are reading this. If you are lurking, please continue to read the postings on this site, and others (;; If the brothers in Brooklyn were truly concerned about our welfare they would make real changes, instead they tighten up and try to enforce many rules. Educate yourself about the Organization apart from WT publications. If it is the Truth then it will stand.

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Educate yourself about the Organization apart from WT publications. If it is the Truth then it will stand.


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