by Happy Guy :) 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Elsewhere

    Here ya go!

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  • Zuko

    Is it just me or does this story just sound like a load of crap. I could not imagine having my own sunday meeting by myself when I was 14. I know some people are more disposed to certain types of behavior than others but come on. This girl should have grow up to be Mother Terisa. If she was 18 in 83 them she was 14 in 78, was that song even around then? They came out with a new songbook in the early eighties. Was it in the previous one?

    I remember thinking some of the stories I heard in the hall when I was growing up sounded a little too good to be true. Remember the WT study artical with the story of the guy that witnessed to a dog and the owner became a witness. If I guy came up to my cat and started to talk about god to it I would think he was out of his mind.

  • Wallflower

    Wonder if mummy, Nelly Lenz, would be so understanding if her little girl, Erika, decided that some other religion was for her and she did want to be a JW and snuck out to some other church at night instead of going to the KH ?

  • BluesBrother

    Zuko, I have a copy of the old pink songbook , copyright 1966 - "Keep Your eyes on the Prize" is song 119.

    This girl is remarkably single minded. I have known a few children that came along to meetings and studied alone , with parent's consent. Most of them stopped again althogh I can think of one or two that returned again in adult life.

    A sad story . It is a pity that she was not doing the things that young girls usually want to do with their time. I wonder if her unhappy family life drew her to the perceived stability of the congo.

    Incidentally, I do not see that she was studying and meeting with witnesses behind her parents back. It reads to me that they stopped the study when Mum fordad it it and she had to "Pretend" all alone until she was old enough

  • RunningMan
    I still don't even know how to quote others on this board propelry in that nice boxed outline.

    You mean like this? It's easy. Just copy the text you want to quote into your reply. Highlight the text. Then click on the bubble - the thing that looks like the bubble that surrounds a cartoon character's words.

  • Happy Guy :)
    Happy Guy :)

    Wow are you people efficient or what? Excellent work getting this together and posting.

    Incidentally, I do not see that she was studying and meeting with witnesses behind her parents back. It reads to me that they stopped the study when Mum fordad it it and she had to "Pretend" all alone until she was old enoug

    BB it's undertandable that it might not leap off the page at you as the WT is often subtle in it's messages but the message is definitely there and it is certainly clear enough and the fact that WT would go out of it's way to publish adds further significance.

    Thanks to everyone for their help.

  • Wallflower

    I love the picture, "Riding my employers horse", 'cos I'm a uneducated dub and haven't got a good job so I can't afford one of my own.

  • Jez

    Oh yes it does indicate all the way through that she was hiding so much from her mother AND that she was encouraged to do so by JWs.

    Note on page 14, she goes to a neighbor JW. When she says that she was one of JW and wanted to get baptised, HE DOESN'T ASK HER MOTHER, HE DOESN'T QUESTION anything about her situation, what does he do....quickly arranges for a Christain sister to study with her. Now it goes on to say that the mother opposed and told her to wait till she was 18 to continue before she could become a Witness. NOTE that the piece of the story ends there! WHO knows that the WBTS left out. I bet she continued to study.

    Another thing, note there is not much said about the mother's unloving ways other than the fact that she did not want her becoming a Witness. This suggests, in a very deceptive way, that opposition to study or being a JW is tantamount to 'unloving' and reason for seeking a way out of the home.

    To me, throughout the whole article, the mother, stepfather, 'worldly family' that loved her, opposed her studying and therefore she had to give them all up. She HAD TO CHOOSE between Jehovah and her family. GUESS what she is applauded for choosing???????????????????????????????????????

    I hate this article.


  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    I just realized that my situation has some similarites to hers. She is even the same age I am. When my parents divorced, my mother married a non-JW, got DF'd, then reinstated, but basically was inactive from that point on. So at age 14, I too had little contact with the dubs, but I read all the literature I could get my hands on, and tried to attend meetings and go out in service, with little help from my parents or the congregation. Loking back now, the main reason I did it was because the "troof" was an escape from a really really crappy home life, probably just like it was for Nelly.

    I too grew up, got baptised, turned down higher ed, pioneered, married a dub, blah blah blah. The only difference is I finally realized it was all a load of crap and got the heck out. Maybe Nelly someday will wake up too... She will be here on JWD as Jehovahyoufoundme, with that picture of herself as a kid as her avatar....

    No Apologies

  • Happy Guy :)
    Happy Guy :)

    I just realized that my situation has some similarites to hers.

    I wonder though: Did your mother forbid you from having a relationship with the JWs? Were you then inspired to carry on a secret relationship? Were you inspired as a 14 year old girl to have special relationship with an a adult male elder?

    and unrelated to the core issue but still part of the fastasy world that this story tries to create for the young female JW, Did you have a rich business man and his wife offering to adopt you and give you a pony in exchange for denouncing God (please hold while I vomit at this fairytale designed to wow youngsters who live in make-believe land of imaginary persecution by rich worldly people).?

    Now for the main point here. Imagine you are a young female JW reading this article?

    Also, Awake magazine is published for the usage of distribution to the general public. What message are they communicating to the non JW single mother who has a young daughter?

    Is this article designed to inspire a false confidence for young girls to have secrets from their parents where the JWs are concerned ? especially in light of the question posed on the Silent Lambs website:

    "Do Jehovah's Witnesses approve, condone, and encourage accused, confessed, and convicted child molesters to call door to door on unknowing potential victims in the witnessing work?"

    P.S. Good observations Jez. Nice work at cutting through the BS

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