Depressed and doubting...

by dura-luxe 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Been there
    Been there


    I remember back in 77 or 78 just after the Big "1975" (I stopped going in 74) scare came and went I had a two year old. I was watching the news and Pres. Carter ? was on the TV giving some speach about what ever crisis was going on at the time and he said "Peace and Security". I remember vividly my blood running cold. I prayed to God to let me see my baby grow up. I knew this was the end, they only missed it by a year or two. Well my two year old is almost 29 and not only did I see her grow up but I am watching her babies grow up. Moral of the story............they are only words and there probably will never be peace and security in the middle east they like to fight.

  • defective light
    defective light

    I feel like Armageddon is coming.

    The brainwashing never ends.

    I could use some words of wisdom if you have any to offer. Please.

    Words of wisdom: The guys who do the math at the WTS really suck.....they have never been close on their math...... " Fuzzy math equals Fuzzy logic"

    I personally use Budweiser as a works well ...(but leaves a dull thud in my head)

  • Kenneson

    "You are going to hear of wars and reports of wars; see that YOU are not terrified. For these things must take place, but the end is not yet." Matt. 24:6

    Did you get it? Wars and reports of wars are not a sign of the end. See that YOU are not terrified. HELLO! The end is not yet.

  • avishai

    Look at it this way. The "Peace and Security" slogan is one of the safest bet's around as far as prophecies go. It's a political slogan at least as old as ancient Rome and almost definitely older. As amatter of fact, it's what Moses promised the Israelites. Chances are, on any given day, there's gonna be a politician somewhere declaring it "Peace and Security"! Yet the dubs attaach some arcane significance to a simple phrase.

    It's a sucker bet used to keep superstitious religious fanatics in line.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I remember arguing with an elder out in service in 1974 whether Armageddon was really coming October 1975 (I was right). When I pioneered in the late 70s and early 80s we saw parallels with the Romans surrounding Jerusalem in 66 and withdrawing allowing the Christians a chance to flee (we must be patient and wait!). I remember when the Soviet Union crumbled and the Berlin Wall fell -- this was it!

    No it wasn't. I believe God gave us a world and everything in it. What we do with it is our responsibility. I also believe that if God chooses at some point to intervene he will make it more obvious than the painful and convoluted (and failed) predictions of a weird little religious sect.

    Do not despair.

    >breathe in<
    >breathe out<

  • ColdRedRain

    "You are going to hear of wars and reports of wars; see that YOU are not terrified. For these things must take place, but the end is not yet." Matt. 24:6

    Did you get it? Wars and reports of wars are not a sign of the end. See that YOU are not terrified. HELLO! The end is not yet.

    Also, that verse is a very vauge verse, and the beauty of such vauge writings is that they can be applied to any point in history, and they have been. The Watchtower, like any other Post-Millerite cult has used that scripture to keep it's members "in line" whenever strife happens.

    In fact, it's the same vauge style that astrologers use. Don't let it affect you. Don't get duped. They're designed to dupe you.

  • dura-luxe

    Thank you, everyone, for making me feel better!

    I've really been hit hard by our new "president". Everyone is joking that the apocalypse is coming. For them it's just a joke, but for me, well... I think I heard it one time too many and had a minor freakout this afternoon.

    It's so strange. Of course, I know the Jehovah's Witnesses philosophy is just idiotic and illogical, but when you're raised with something it just sticks with you. I guess 22 years of steady brainwashing takes more than just 8 years to disappear entirely. There's part of me that will always wonder "what if...?" I guess you just have to understand that will never go away and ignore it. Like someone said - counter it with facts.

    Last week I both celebrated Halloween AND voted. The JW's would be mortified. :)

    Speaking of brainwashing, I think Bush has taken a page from religious cult leaders. He's really got a hold over large parts of our nation, thanks, in no small part, to using techniques of FEAR to keep them in line. Having pulled myself out of a cult that is both homophobic and convinced that God is a murderous fool... ugh. It's just too depressing. I expected more from humanity, but why? I know exactly what these people think, and why they'll never listen to reason. So sad.

    Anyway... thank you for taking the time to cheer me up :)

  • ColdRedRain
    I've really been hit hard by our new "president". Everyone is joking that the apocalypse is coming. For them it's just a joke, but for me, well... I think I heard it one time too many and had a minor freakout this afternoon.

    That's a normal feeling on either side of the political spectrum. You should have seen and the now defunct boards when Clinton was re-elected. The Kool Aid was flowing there like water.

    Welcome to the non JW world and welcome to the world of politics. When your guy loses, it's a sign of the apocolypse. When your guy wins, he's the second coming of Jesus Christ. Just imagine, in 4 years, we'll have to deal with this crap again.

    Even money says Canidate Jeb Bush and Senator Hillary Clinton take an electoral tie, sending it to an evenly divided House Of Representatives, with neither of them winning a majority of the popular vote. Maybe that might be a sign of the apocolypse.

  • googlemagoogle

    i think what you still need to do is "destroy your faith". have a look at critical views on the bible, skeptic and atheist sites, that helps a lot...

  • Navigator

    Ditto what Big Tex said about the condition of our world being our responsibility. We may indeed screw it up, but there will never be a time when we will not be safe in the arms of God. Stop thinking of yourself as a body that happens to have a spirit and start realizing that you are a spirit( eternal, immortal, created in the image of God) that happens to be currently occupying a body. You cannot possibly die. A quote from A Course In Miracles goes "The end of this world will not be its destruction, but its translation into heaven". When I get depressed about world events, I go back to the bible and read the story of the Prodigal Son. It says everything that needs to be said about who we are and what the future holds for us. I used to fly around with hydrogen bombs capable of destroying large cities and I knew that there were Russian aircrews doing the same thing that I was doing. The threat in the middle east seems like nothing compared to that. There is a black comedy that sometimes comes on late night TV called, Dr. Strangelove (How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb). Watch it sometime. It will put things in perspective.

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