I'm gettin me a couple more wives!

by gumby 117 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I'll have a dozen Britney Spears and one Halle Berry to go please.

  • gumby
    I'll have a dozen Britney Spears and one Halle Berry to go please.

    Britney would have your red part worn down to a nubbin......you could never keep up......ya old bastard! Gumby

  • LittleToe


    LT.......trying to suck up to menopausers

    And you have a problem with this?

  • Xena

    Older Women

    I like older Woman How bout you?
    19's are good to look at,
    but they'er to young for my lovin'
    20's are fun but they're not quite done,
    you gotta stick them back in the oven
    At 33 they're divorced and Free,
    but now they hate all men
    But at 42 they love to screw!
    But wanna get married again!
    ohh I like older Woman How bout you?
    Hey at 59 they're lookin' fine,
    but they're still not a winner.
    But man alive as 65,
    You get a discount when you take'em to dinner
    At 78 they're looking great!
    bending over with thier gravy ladle.
    But if your talking chicks and 86!
    You know your still robbing the cradle!
    Yea I like older Woman the older they are the better!
    Gotta take out the teeth to give your a kiss
    or nit you a brand new sweater!
    Hey there hose smells just like cornbread
    Thier hair is a pretty shade of Glue.
    I go insane when they walk with a cane,
    in othapedic shoes!
    Have you ever made love in an afghan?
    with all your toes a pokin' through
    Its that feeling I get
    Lord I swear that make my pecker grow an Inch or two!
    I like older Woman how bout you?!

  • LittleToe


    I find myself strangely excited.

    My pulse-rate is up, I can taste blood in my mouth, and feel a weight descending on my head, as if it's going to explode.
    What can it mean???

  • xenawarrior
    My pulse-rate is up, I can taste blood in my mouth, and feel a weight descending on my head, as if it's going to explode.
    What can it mean???

    Someone dropped an anvil on you?

  • LittleToe

    Can you get that on prescription?

  • hornetsnest

    LOL, Gumby!

    Frannie's right! Get a batch of women together for any length of time at all, and their periods will syncronize. That means that you won't get to shift some to the end of the line. Picture what it would be like to live with 1,000 women and all of them on their periods at the same time! That blows your time table clear out of the water.

    We had a thread on this a year or so ago. One of the gals brought up the suggestion that perhaps that was why he kept marrying new ones, as they wouldn't be syncronized yet.

    On a more serious note, as to the original question as to why multiple wives were allowed back then: there are two factors that I haven't seen mentioned yet. First, the arrangements at that time were not intended to be held up as examples of perfection. Rather, according to the scriptures, mankind as a whole were in an estranged condition from their creator and were to be guided back to that approved condition. To use an illustration, building a house is a messy proposition. (Ask any carpenter.) When it's only partly done, it doesn't look very good. You will note other places in the Bible where information wasn't given, as they weren't ready for it yet.

    Secondly, one of the major activities back then was war. Combat was hand-to-hand and extremely brutal. This led to a shortage of men and many widows. There was no welfare or social security back then and a widow's lot was a desperate one. I would suggest that polygamy would have been the lessor of the two evils, and that's why Jehovah tolerated it.

    That's my two cents. (Grin)


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