Is Watchtowers view & practices currently split in two? Split leadership direction?

by thedepressedsoul 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • steve2

    The OP presents some intriguing ideas that are well argued.

    In any organization anywhere - including, ahem, North Korea! - there will inevitably be more than one view of how things should be - but there are usually "processes" in place so that those at the helm do not contradict each other. It does not look good when leaders spout different policies! :(


    And so it is with the GB. Strictly speaking, there is actually no inconsistency between the stricter side (e.g., deploring tight pants and keeping in place a firm disfellowshipping policy) and the "happy" side (e.g., the latest Bethel video showing streams of JWs smiling widely and dancing merrily throughout Bethel buildings to a happy tune).

    How are these two sides at odds with each other?

    All they suggest is this: If you participate fully in the organization, including obeying all of the GB's directives, you will be one happy dude or dudess. Even Puritans enjoy a yummy meal every now and then.

    Now, of course we can stand back and exclaim: Something's not right here. And it's this:

    The reality is that the stricter side is often manifested in your local kingdom hall whereas the happy side is for many people noticeably absent or in very short supply among the Witnesses they know.  

    Back to the overall image projected by tv: In PR circles this is called "impression management":

    Presenting a glossy, appealing picture of what life in the organization is ideally like but running the risk of over-stating things so that the reality is markedly different.

    But is this indicative of suppressed differences in the organization? Probably but not necessarily. In the late 1970s, congregations were informed that "some brothers" were running ahead of Jehovah by pushing for special provisions for the young ones not unlike "Sunday Schools". Even back then, there was evident tension between the stricter side and the happy side. I suppose we see it more now because of the concerted effort to move the organization into the internet/television age. 

  • TTATTelder

    I see at least 2 things happening at the same time:

    1) Image vs Reality / PR machine - this is for recruiting, selling the followers on reform, public image for use in the courtroom, etc.

    2) Typical abuse pattern within the org of building up to tear down. Give one helping warm-and-fuzzy Christianity then 3 helpings of mind control. It is intentionally confusing. That is part of the abuse and control. Most do not know about the game, even at the top, because they are being played by the game.


  • sir82

    Give one helping warm-and-fuzzy Christianity then 3 helpings of mind control.

    Not unlike how emotionally or physically abusive husbands/fathers treat their wives/children.

  • JeffT

    I started to write a blog post a while back on this subject, and gave up for lack of information.  The big question is: is this deliberate or the actions of a confused organization?  I don't know and neither does anybody else due to the lack of transparency.  We're left trying to read tea leaves.  

    I've seen organizations of various sorts go into this kind of split personality behavior when the leadership is divided.  It is very possible that we're seeing a war between the PR/business side of the operation and the service dept/religious bunch on the other.  In this scenario the business people have seen the numbers and know they need to build a broader organization so they are trying to mainstream the religion.  At the same time the hard core religious types are trying to continue the tight control mechanisms.

    Or it could be they've just decided to say one thing in public and do something else entirely in private.  

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