by azaria 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • azaria

    Hi Candid: I did donate to the Salvation Army a few days ago. I have always felt comfortable with them. They turn in all the money donated in emergencies.

    What RR has said does concern me. If he is right, all the money has been wasted, not just mine, but I will survive it. What’s worse is that these people didn’t and won’t be getting the help. If he’s not totally right, many here may think twice about donating. I have to believe that these agencies know the govt they are dealing with and personally make sure it goes to the right people. I have wondered. Like in Africa, South America; does most of the money actually go to the right people? What is the alternative. Do nothing at all? I realize that the worst case scenerio would be that the army run by a dictator would benefit. I just have to trust & pray that the right thing will be done.

  • RR

    I'm not trying to deter anyone from donating, just letting you know that despite the humanitarian helpby many, more than most the aid falls into the hands of rebels and is sold on the black market.


  • Soledad

    Tommorow there will be a collection of all kinds of supplies needed in Haiti at the Atlantic Antic Celebration in Brooklyn (Atlantic Ave between Hicks ST and Fourth Ave) 10 AM to 6 PM

    The information I have is not complete, but among top requested items are: medical supplies such as stretchers, IV supplies, rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide, iodine, eye droppers, bandages of all shapes and sizes, gauzes, aspirins for adults and children, stitching supplies.

    Toiletries are also requested--soap, clean towels, toilet tissue, laundry detergent, shampoo, etc. you get the idea.

    large cases of bottled water are also being collected. unfortunately clean drinking water is in short supply. I believe Poland Spring CO has made a huge donation, but of course more is always necessary.

    For more info on where the donations will be collected, call (718) 875 8993 or contact the Haitian Consulate (212) 697 9767 www.haitiantimes.com

    thanks Azaria for starting this thread.

  • candidlynuts

    azaria thanks for your reply!

    soledad i hope the supply drive is successful thats wonderful.

  • Mary

    I'm thinking of donating to help out, but like others, I'm afraid that whatever money I give will end up in the hands of the disgusting corrupt government of Haiti..........I was just watching CNN; it showed the Red Cross and other charitable organizations (except Dubs, who don't believe in charity) down there trying to get food, clean water and supplies to the designated areas, but the people there are starving to death and are attacking the trucks in order to get some food. There's looting (althought there ain't much to take) and absolutely NO law and order-----the country's a complete shambles...........I've been ripped off by charities before, so I'm leary of who I give to...........can I donate canned goods or grain to the Salvation Army to take down there, or is it strickly money they're accepting?

  • Cassiline

    can I donate canned goods or grain to the Salvation Army

    The Salvation Army runs canned food drives all the time. I'm quite sure they would take any type of donations-- from blankets to candles.


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