Why Are You Here?

by larc 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • Free2Bme

    I have to agree with Jurs. It helps being able to thrash things out with people who know where you are coming from.
    I don't have time to read every post so I go for either updates on JW stuff or humour to lighten my day as I find laughter therapeutic.
    I agree with Slayerlayer that things are getting a bit caustic. I don't suppose JW's lurking in here will find that suprising as they expect that sort of negativity from apostates so it's a shame some people have to be like that.
    Personally I have found that there is a tendency for some posters to come across as superior and trash other posters comments. Thank goodness most times certain others jump in to defend and try and restore the battered confidence of the poster who wasn't intellectual enough or whatever to impress those who have appointed themselves as unofficial overseers of this forum.
    What do you all think? A bit more positivity and respect for others wouldn't go amiss?


  • patio34

    Hi Larc,

    I just read your comment on a thread by Cool Breeze re stopping the racism on this board. You stated that you think about leaving because it's not a positive experience.

    I agree, but I've been trying to follow your advice from a month or so ago on another thread about viewing it as a large cineplex where there may be many movies showing (the threads), but only selecting the ones that you are interested in. It works for the most part. Thanks.

    I, for one, want to tell you that I never miss one of your threads. It would be a poor "movie house" indeed if posters like you, Amazing, JanG, Norm, JanH, Truman, AlanF, Waiting, Ginny Tosken et al left.


  • waiting

    Howdy friends,

    I'm pretty much like Larc right now - burned out by all the lowness going on. Lots of good people here, but we all have sides which aren't brilliant maturity and goodness. For Pete's sake - we were jw's!

    But it's taken a mean-spirited turn. Maybe Ginny's right - parameters of foul language are being tested - but it brings in so many low thoughts also.

    I used to have to quarrel with my mind/heart about how to spend my free time - my dogs & garden or chatting/challenging with friends on the net.

    Now I find retreat with my dogs & garden.

    What's that old saying "the pendalum swings......"


  • larc

    Hello my friends,

    I brought this thread back up because by starting it, it helped restore my sense of perspective. This thread also ties in with a new thread on the very serious subject of suicide among the JWs. On this new thread I wrote and extensive depiction of my view. Maximus also contributed his own experiences. I hope you will review this, although I think you will find it disturbing.

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Hello folks:

    I'm bringing this back up to the top in the hope that many more who have not posted their reasons for being here, will do so.

    So many good answers have been given already, but even if you have the same reason as someone else...by stating so, you are just validating the value of this place.

    There are so many more posters that have joined us since the last reply to this thread, so here's hoping there will be somemore out there, newbies and "longtimers", who will add their feelings about being here.

  • cosmo

    This newbie is just trying to figure out how to get his wife out of the Borgs.

  • Gimme3steps

    Well, i jus found this place, few days ago,...and i've spent a whole lotta time, jus readin the archives. it brought back to me, a lot of stuff I let go , years ago, and had forgot. I guess i'm gonna hang around, i think most of yall are fine people, and no, i aint sayin some of ya aint, im jus sayin.....the internet is a jungle, sometimes, i dun learned that..hehe. That being said, i find
    that a lot of viewpoints and current developments truly interest me, and , also, if there was ever a way i could help a friend out, by tryin to talk about a prob, i'd want to do that, and vice-versa. My life aint been no cakewalk, but I'm content in how i tried to live it, so far, and I know how it feels, to live with somebody tellin ya God has a sword hangin over ya head,...growin up....that is the worst insult, someone could inflict, upon Jehovah, to me, and I empathize with the effects born by any, from it, and aim to try and get em to see things, in a better light. All in all, feel a sense of comradery, here...as to the in-fightin, all i'll say, specially since i'm a rook, here, is.... it takes 2 or more to fight,..if one walks away, the other is left flailing at air.

    Peace :))

  • Billygoat

    I guess I come here for a couple of reasons...

    1. Comfort - it's wonderful knowing someone actually understands the JW lifestyle and how it's a heartbreaking cult.

    2. Education - I want to learn what I can about the history of JWs and see how I can use it to help my family escape.

    3. Help others - if there is anything I can do to educate or comfort another on this board - it is well worth it!

    4. I have a crush on JanH and like seeing pix of his tattoos! Heehee!


  • ianao

    Hi, I am Steve and I am a religioholic.

    I read this forum because I find it amusing to see so many people wrapped up in another whole reality compared to the one just outside my door here. It's really funny watching my fellow idiots distract themselves from their desolate state on this lump of crap called "earth".

    I post here occasionally as open communication (hah hah) with others keeps me from running a knife through my chest and solving all of my immediate problems.

    If you think that I am joking then go screw yourself.

    If you think I'm playing for sympathy then go screw yourself twice.

    If you don't give a damn then screw you anyway.

  • Farkel

    I came here to work on getting over my phobia of shyness and fear of speaking what's actually on my mind. It hasn't helped me much, though.


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