relationship with jw

by curious_catholic 33 Replies latest social relationships

  • curious_catholic

    Hi, I?m a catholic and I?ve been dating a girl that is jw for two years. Why do the jw have to marry a person from there own religion. I think that it is very wrong. The girl that I have been dating goes to church 3 times a week and strongly believes in the jw religion. She is now 22 and still we are together.... I?m now at the time were I?m about to propose to her and I doubt that she will say no. I haven?t met her parents yet, due to the fact I won?t be accepted. She has met my family and she is welcome with open arms even though she's a jw...being a roman catholic why do jw oppose from marrying other people from different religions?..... And why do the parents get angry and treat their children's non-jw like outcast's.... I think its very wrong and I?m willing to do whatever for the women I love...u say time heals and yes I believe that but wont it be much better if we just united and be 1...all religions known now all relate to each other some how... and yess we all have the same god, but the only thing different about each religion is the way we preach & express our worship... i hope my tone of language hasnt ofended you...please reply for opinions on the issue

    Thanks curious_catholic

  • LittleToe

    No offense taken, in the slightest. I'm actually worried for you, as methinks you may be in for a rude awakening.

    The JW's are a cult, and they are indoctrinated to believe that the Catholic church is the whore of Babylon (from Revelation). It will be expected that you convert, which will impact your friends and family, or leave.

    Good luck, friend!

  • Nat-Oz

    yeah, LT is right.

    I once tried joining them for a guy, but once I was in, he left me. it was like some sick twisted way to get me in.

    Just move on buddy, even though it seems like love, it isnt..

  • NeonMadman

    You can be certain that if you do marry her, her #1 priority in life from that point on will be to make a good little JW out of you (unless she is actually having serious doubts and is using her relationship with you as an escape from the cult - but from your description, it doesn't sound that way). If you have children, it will be expected that they will be raised as JW's - and the cult will back her up in any legal action to accomplish that end. In the end, either she will leave the organization, or it will tear your marriage apart.

    There have been dozens of threads on this board about the impact of the JW cult on marriage and families. You can find many of them by using the "Search" function. As one whose marriage was destroyed by the Watchtower, I'd strongly suggest you do your research before you get involved. Feel free to PM me if you want to talk further, and I'll be happy to give you my e-mail address.

  • Nickey

    CC, I wouldn't necessarily say to leave her. Nobody can, because nobody here can say what's in her heart. You know her and you love her. But if you choose to hang in there... it won't be easy. Because I was in the same situation as she was in. So I know how it feels.

    I went through years of hell for being with my "worldly" boyfriend. Once the cat was out of the bag and my family knew, it was hell for us. But we are still together after 8 years. And I'm thankful he stuck by me because I was a stubborn jw for a while. I am no longer a jw because I finally realized it wasn't the truth. I saw how he was treated and everything else I came to see shortly after.

  • curious_catholic

    seriously why do u think soo superior...thats why in most cases jw are treated like outcasts in our society...goto this is of many complaints about the religion..

  • NewSense

    Curious Catholic,

    In regard to your question about why Jehovah's Witnesses forbid their members from marrying others outside of the sect, it's because they use a scripture that admonishes people not to become "unevenly yoked," This scripture is the supposed biblical basis for thier banning religious inter-marriages. I suppose that in order to be fair, we have to admit that the Witnesses are not the only religion that has sanctions against marrying "outside the faith". However, given that they are an extremely high-control group (many call them a "cult"), they are able to exert a great deal more pressure on their members. Many members in this forum will be able to offer shocking insights and experiences they had while in this group. Also, several members suffered in a situation in which you may soon find yourself; that is to say that at one time they were formerly witnesses who were married to non-witnesses. Others were never witnesses, however they were (or are) married to witnesses. In all, I think that you will find a wealth information in regard to the woes of inter-marriage between a witness and a non-witness. In my personal opinion, there is a high likelihood that you are heading for a whole world of pain if you marry this young woman. It's almost certain that you will *never* be accepted by her parents or other witnesses as long as you resist converting. In fact, as a couple, you will both be shunned for all intents and purposes. She will be scorned by other witnesses as "the spiritually sick and frail sister" who caved into temptation and married a "worldly person" and a slave to the "harlot" of false religion. Witnesses will view you, at best, as Satan's dupe (at worst as Satan's knowing ally) . You should know that Witnesses have a particularly intense hatred for Roman Catholics. If you have children, her parents will never act as true grandparents should act. In fact, they may refuse to even meet and see your children.

    But I'm sure that others on this board will be able to offer you their own personal experiences. I wish you the very best of luck because you will most certainly need it.

  • NeonMadman
    seriously why do u think soo superior...

    They think they are superior because they alone have the one true religion, and they alone worship the true God. Everyone outside their organization is serving Satan and is doomed to destruction at Armageddon, which is coming "soon" (and has been coming "soon" for 125 years). The churches of Christendom are particularly reprehensible, in their eyes, because they actually have the Bible, God's Word (which is the exclusive property of JW's, in their eyes - for them alone to interpret), and yet have not come to obey the Watchtower.

    Sound ridiculous? That's because it is ridiculous. JW's are a ridiculous religion. That's why I said to do your research. No matter how strongly you feel about this woman, and how strongly she feels about you, the Watchtower Society will always be in the middle of your relationship, causing as much havoc as possible.

  • curious_catholic

    thank you everyone for your very BIAS opinions, il follow up on my issues soon

  • Nosferatu
    Why do the jw have to marry a person from there own religion. I think that it is very wrong.

    Unfortunately, your opinion doesn't count when it comes to JW doctrine.

    I’m willing to do whatever for the women I love...u say time heals and yes I believe that but wont it be much better if we just united and be 1

    If you believe that love conquers all, you're in for one hell of a surprise. It doesn't. She's already married to her religion. You'll be way down the list as far as importance goes.

    we all have the same god, but the only thing different about each religion is the way we preach & express our worship

    While this may be true, the JWs believe that they have the one true religion, and every other religion is false, including yours.

    If you haven't read this thread yet, I suggest you do:

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