U.S. death toll in Iraq at 1,000

by Simon 60 Replies latest social current

  • RevMalk
    If anyone did any saving, it was US that saved YOU because we stood alone against the Nazis long before you decided to enter the war (when attacked).

    Stop trying to re-write history or rely on Hollywood for it.

    In all reality, it was the Russians who were the real heros.

  • Xena

    What exactly is my propaganda or agenda Simon?

    The fact that people died in this or any conflict is bad enough without it being used to further the agenda of one political party over another. But to piggy back it on deaths that may or may not be related to this is even more disgusting in my opinion.

    Deaths occur every day due to natural causes, accidents and in military training situations, it is an unfortunate fact of life. It is dishonest reporting at best to use a number inflated with these statistics to show the casualities of Americans in the Iraq War.

    But that is just my opinion.


  • Simon
    In all reality, it was the Russians who were the real heros

    They certainly paid the heaviest price and it's doubtful 'we' would have had a chance without the massive nazi resources diverted and thrown at Russia.

    It is dishonest reporting at best to use a number inflated with these statistics to show the casualities of Americans in the Iraq War

    Please tell me how the numbers are inflated.

    Let me remind you that the topic is "US death toll in Iraq at 1,000". Are you telling me that some of these are not really dead?

    You simply do not like the fact that the war was mis-sold and the promised end of hostilities have, if anything, got worse.

  • sleepy

    Got to be honest and say it really buggs me that Britain is not putting right some of the mistaken beliefs people have of the second world war. Why are we not making films that portray the true story?

  • Xena
    Let me remind you that the topic is "US death toll in Iraq at 1,000". Are you telling me that some of these are not really dead?

    So the implication isn't to relate these to the military occupation? Just keeping us updated on how many dead Americans there are in Iraq Simon? And for what purpose would that be?

    You simply do not like the fact that the war was mis-sold and the promised end of hostilities have, if anything, got worse

    Really and where did you get that idea?

  • Simon
    Just keeping us updated on how many dead Americans there are in Iraq Simon? And for what purpose would that be?

    Well, it seems to be of interest seeing as the number has been reported and commented on for the last year and a half, ever since the conflict began, is on the front pages of many news sites and is discussed as being relevant to the coming election.

    Maybe you are the odd American who doesn't actually care how many have died.

    Whatever the reason, you just seem to want to argue without actually having an argument. Typical.

  • Mac

    There are people who die for the greater good. They do that willingly to make the world a better place. I doubt highly that they would appreciate your diminishment of their sacrifice or the conviction which they held when laying down that most precious and ultimate of gifts..their very lives!!

    You like to call them boys or girls or children when they die so as to wring out emotion as if it were a substitute for logic and realism......they were/are men and women..adults..patriots!!!!!! They believe! They did not die in vain!

    You can bitch and dis all you want...but, I'll tell you this... and I doubt you'll contest it.....if given the choice, Simon...would you go back to your rulership by kings and queens... yer beloved monarchy......or would you opt for the freedom born of democratic process that you borrowed from those pissant colonists that had a greater vision?

    Jealousy is such a wasted emotion....and it's one that we , as the world power, will have to endure. In time of war and thereafter, please show me a place, a country, a time when we have gone into and pillaged...taken the resources of a country for selfish gain??????? You all so love to paint that portrait at us. Who gives more money and resource than any other nation on the face of this earth than the United States? And who suffers more derisive accusation?

    Freedom and democracy are man's right....we will further it at all cost because it is right! If you prefer the domination, and abuse of women..the indescriminate killing of men , women, and children....the withholding of their right to speak and believe as they wish and are entitled to...go for it my friend! I, for one, will never condone such apathy....and though I lament the loss of those so willing to sacrifice so nobley and inspirationally to fuel the flame ignited by that spark called freedom and self respect... I will not dishonor them by alluding that they died in vain!!

    mac, pissed cuz I hate when someone sucks me into a political thread!!

  • sleepy

    "There are people who die for the greater good. They do that willingly to make the world a better place. I doubt highly that they would appreciate your diminishment of their sacrifice or the conviction which they held when laying down that most precious and ultimate of gifts..their very lives!!"

    Who is arguing that these people don't believe they are doing the right thing?
    Straw man 1.

    "You like to call them boys or girls or children when they die so as to wring out emotion as if it were a substitute for logic and realism......they were/are men and women..adults..patriots!!!!!! They believe! They did not die in vain!"

    Patriots.And I though they were suppost to be fighting for Iraqs "freedom".Are you suggesting it was out of loyalty to the American government that they died?If so what if it had been a different government, who had not agreed to war?If they were patroitic then they would have obeyed that government.Were does that leave your assertion that they were fighting to make the world a better place?

    "you can bitch and dis all you want...but, I'll tell you this... and I doubt you'll contest it.....if given the choice, Simon...would you go back to your rulership by kings and queens... yer beloved monarchy......or would you opt for the freedom born of democratic process that you borrowed from those pissant colonists that had a greater vision?"

    Straw man 2
    Its not who rules but how rulership is carried out that matters.
    Anyway Britain had a revolution in 1640 and otherthrew its King.
    I dont remember invading armies forcing Britian to be democratic, I think it was the choice of the people.

    "jealousy is such a wasted emotion....and it's one that we , as the world power, will have to endure. In time of war and thereafter, please show me a place, a country, a time when we have gone into and pillaged...taken the resources of a country for selfish gain??????? You all so love to paint that portrait at us. Who gives more money and resource than any other nation on the face of this earth than the United States? And who suffers more derisive accusation?"

    World power.What does that mean?Its an empty statment devoid of meaning.
    Another straw man next number 3 at least.
    But hold on a little what companies are taking over in Iraq are they not largly American, who is going to make money out of rebuilding Iraq?
    Out of Iraqi oil?
    Whos soilder were abusing Iraq prisoners of war, holding suspects without trial disobying world agrements or the rules of war?
    It was the US.
    Who gives more resources than any nation?
    Let me ask who takes the most?
    It the US.

    "Freedom and democracy are man's right....we will further it at all cost because it is right! If you prefer the domination, and abuse of women..the indescriminate killing of men , women, and children....the withholding of their right to speak and believe as they wish and are entitled to...go for it my friend! I, for one, will never condone such apathy....and though I lament the loss of those so willing to sacrifice so nobley and inspirationally to fuel the flame ignited by that spark called freedom and self respect... I will not dishonor them by alluding that they died in vain!! "

    Another straw man , those who are against the war obviously love raping and killing?
    If the war was to stop this why only Iraq?
    Ask yourself how many people died under Saddams rule of I'm not sure how long 20 years?
    How many have died in this war?
    Do the maths.

    By the way I don't hate America or Americans , it's just I admit Britian was wrong to go to war , my government was wrong , why are other so blind?

  • sleepy

    Regarding the British revolution before anyone points it out the revolution lasted just a few years, but the point was getting rid of Kings and Queens did not come from the US colonists they got it from Europe.

  • Mac

    Christ, I'm tired...been a long night...I'm not ignorant of Greek history...was not intentionally inferring that we were the originators of democratic process...just pointing out that we left when you sucked and sucked mightily!.

    We borrowed that which works...and is still working!!! And if you want to point out some point of abuse.....procede...explain to me where the dictatorial process is the one beneficial to the populace?


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