Question for Women.

by spectromize 39 Replies latest social relationships

  • waiting

    Dear Zep,

    A very good tip that I've never heard - or imagined.

    Perhaps you've done this faux pas?


  • Zep

    FAUX PAS...very good, i had to look that up waiting!

    Nah, actually i was just a witness to it last night...but it just too funny i had to put it up.I probably shouldn't laugh really...the poor bastard got in heaps of trouble!

  • caffy

    hi this might be off basis but brother im shy to i have a geard time going up to a brother and starting a converation with them , also i have a hard time talking on the phone im not like most ladies who love the phone . well thats just to let know your not the only one out there who feels the way u do your sister cathy

  • waiting

    Hi Cathy,

    Welcome here. All kinds of persons & personalities. Hope to talk with you some more.

    Zep doesn't come around much anymore - he was an odd Oz cutie. We all liked him.

    Please feel free to jump in.


  • Roamingfeline

    HI Cathy,

    Welcome to the group!!


  • claudia

    Seven covered all the bases, and Spec, you really did nothing wrong in telling the girl you didnt recognize her. Look some woman are too sensitive and they try to make their "oversensitivity" your problem. I say be your charming self and to heck with them.

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    There isn't a lot I can add to Sevens excellent advice. But on a personal note, my husband is very shy and that is one of the qualities about him that charms me. He is also very honest. This too "rings my bell". I can always count on him to tell me the truth.
    Women do like honesty. (within reason) And humor is a huge plus.
    Try to find common ground and draw her out. She in turn, if she is an honest person will not only want to talk about herself, but will show a genuine interest in you.
    I am of the mind that the more you have in common the better your chances are at establishing a relationship. Never rush it though play it by ear and read her signals.

  • spectromize

    Dear Caffy,

    You might be surprised to find that there are a lot of shy brothers like yourself who would just love a sister to come up to them and say: " Hi how are you? "

    I have always liked agressive (in the right way) women who are not living the concept of the olden days when the man has to do all the initiating.

  • spectromize

    Dear Claudia,

    I seen to always meet overly sensitive women which is affecting my self confidence, which is probably why I don't go out of my way anymore to meet someone.

  • spectromize

    Dear Thinker's wife,

    I appreciate comments such as yours and all the ladies in this thread.
    The reason being is just like the famous statement by the author:"Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus."

    There truly is a vast diffrence at times the way men think and women think regarding relationships. We tend to go more for looks but as you get wiser after being shafted a few times, the perception changes.

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