Dinosaurs...What are your thoughts?

by Crooked Lumpy Vessel 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Crooked Lumpy Vessel
    Crooked Lumpy Vessel

    The "Why do Animals Die" thread got me thinking about the dinosaurs. Why would God create a species of animals and then completely destroy them or allow them to be destroyed. Would he do that to humans too?

    This could actually apply to any animal species that has become extinct because of the natural forces.

  • confusedjw

    I dunno? To give us oil so we could have something to fight over and ruin the atmosphere with?

    Switch to Propane (and propane accessories) - IT's God's Will!

  • dh

    if you believe in an almighty one of a kind being that has always been there and will always be there, then all of this is a whim. for the sake of its own amusement.

    everything else is an afterthought.

  • truthseeker1

    If I could create a huge reptilian species, I'd kill them too. Then i can claim the annihilation of an entire species, again. Its a power trip.

    Now, answering the 'my thoughts' question: I think they were the dominant animal life form for millions of years until the climate changed and they could not survive. Then mammals, who are more suitable for adaption, came into being.

  • metatron

    Steven J. Gould claimed that 90% of all species that ever lived on earth are extinct. This is one reason why he found fault

    with a notion of gradual change in evolution - it was more like survival of the luckiest.

    Some have speculated that ET's might be some sort of intelligent reptile/ dinosaur that developed apart from the emergence

    of mammals on this planet.


  • truthseeker1

    Like that Dinosausaurs cartoon back in the 80's. That was a cool one.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Thinking out loud for a moment ... what if God kicks off the universe with the Big Bang and then allows life to find its own way.

    Maybe there is intelligent life on other plants. Maybe the dinosaurs died out because an asteroid hit the earth. Maybe it could happen to us.

    Don't know for sure, but it is interesting to think about.

  • truthseeker1

    The only promise we have is that God will never cause rain to fall down and cover the entire earth with lots of water, killing all but a tiny percentage of the population. Isn't that nice of God?

    I can finally sleep at night....

  • ohiocowboy

    Ooops-thought this was a thread about the Governing Body....

    I tend to follow with the Asteroid theory that caused Dinosaurs to be extinct. Why would God allow it??? Why has God allowed the daily extinction of many of the animals that we have today?

    1. Either "God" doesn't exist

    2. All of us living organisms are playthings for the amusement of the higher power, and then tosses us aside when bored with us.


  • mysterio91

    Humor me for a minute here...

    When I was in grammer school, I had an idea about dinosaurs. We were learning about the relationship between plants and animals. Animals breath oxygen, plants breath carbon dioxide. Each one released exactly what the other needed. I thought it would take a lot of animals to keep up with all the plants on earth when first created. But maybe God created giant dinosaurs to establish a balance in the atmosphere. The balance was established, then they died (Never really thought about how... I remember a mag or brochure saying they may have died in the flood, I think). Of course at that time I already had many JW doctrines running through my head, and I was only about 10 years old. Hadn't given it much thought since, but wanted to share my thoughts.

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