This board.... How did you find it?

by hubert 40 Replies latest jw experiences

  • hubert

    I am wondering... How did you first come across this board? ....

    Searching the web? A friend? etc.?

    Also, what were your feelings at that time?


  • unbeliever

    some links on

  • StinkyPantz

    I was looking for the official JW site. My inital reaction? I read through a few threads and was like, "omg, that's how I feel about <insert any subject>". I was amazed that people actually had negative associations with 'field service' or boring meetings and actually said it publicly. I loved the honesty!

  • Insomniac

    I Googled "Jehovah's Witnesses" and about a bazillion sites came up. Of course, most of them were anti-jw. What I disliked about many of them was how bitter and angry many of the posters were, also that many of them had gone on to start some new religion which was disturbingly similar to the WTS. I stuck around here because the posts I was reading seemed to be written by happy, well-adjusted people like I hoped to be.

  • Samdownunder

    A strange event.......I was watching a corny Michael Jackson video on TV, and I wondered what the lyrics I did a search and was reading the lyrics and then remembered I saw a movie about him a long time ago that said he was a witness as a child, so I researched that. I hadn't thought about the witnesses in awhile as I am a long time on/off studier(but no more(if I can get rid of the overzealous sister that is pursuing me right now)). I found out all these ridiculous facts about MJ and Prince(like he goes door to door in limos!) and Marlon Wayans and thought it was funny and then stumbled onto Then for the first time in years I was shocked and appalled and amazed at all the stuff I read. All this time Ive been living in guilt for not pursuing study and getting baptised, and Ive believed all this time the reason was because I wasnt good enough for Jehovah.For the last five years my lack of involvment with the "truth" which I thought I didnt deserve has dictated my life,ended reltionships, filled me with guilt,ect. Its all been an amazing revelation and not the scary,bloody,vengeful one that I expected would come and wipe my sinning, immoral,non JW ass out any day now.Then just yesterday I happened to find this place which is awesome,because I had no idea any of you ever existed!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Youve been so helpful and supportive, thanks mates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is a light at the end of the narrow minded tunnel

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Net Soup on Randy Watters' Freeminds site.


    Thanks for the link Randy, I owe you.

  • karategirl


    I am just so glad you are here. That is how they get you, with guilt and fear. life is about being happy and living to the fullest. You can do that as a JW because you are controlled and repressed. It is a brainwashing. They punish you when you don't fall under the control and reward you only when you follow their molded formula. A mindless mold where someone else thinks for you.

    don't let your over zealous sister get to your guilt center again. it takes a lot to make a stand not to be a witness and you have to suffer the shunning and rejection. I had three siblings ripped away from me for almost 7 years. Now I don't know them at all. It tears me up but I wouldn't change being out for anything. Now I am happy to say that all of us are out and rebuilding the bridges.

    You have to look at it this way. No one lives your life but you. You know what will make you happy and you have to search for what you believe and go with it. It is an individual journey and no one else can make your life choices for you.

    Keep you chin up!

  • onacruse

    Personal friends; and even so, very reluctantly.

    Never lurked, no googles...just showed up.

    Sorta like doggie-doodoo on the lawn.

  • avengers

    My oldest son said to me: "Hey Dad check this out".

    Checked it out and immediately posted my UN letter to the WT on the board.

    Things only got better after that.


  • dh

    i was just searching online, so bored that after years of not being a jw i typed it into google, this site came up, and i joined that same day.

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