Am I missing something here?

by Nocturne 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nocturne
  • Lostreality

    yeah...a post.

  • onacruse

    A blank mind is a healthy mind.

    Craig (of the "been talking to some people about meditative states and guided imagery" class)

  • xenawarrior
    yeah...a post.

    LMAO !! AND.... it would appear 1/2 an avatar !! Craig- good discussions eh???

  • frenchbabyface

    Yeah me too !!!

  • xenawarrior
    Yeah me too !!!

    Wow, you are right !!! I wonder what is going on? Demons eating the avatars?

  • Nocturne

    Ok, let's try this again (maybe I should have posted this in the humour section)

    Here's the scene. These past couple of weeks free from dubdom have been great, so much more free time. But now I'm getting this strange feeling, despite the fact that I made it quite clear that I'm not going back to meetings, that my mom is in total denial over the whole thing. Let's go over some of the events of the past month.

    I was talking to a family friend over the phone (a jw), the conversation was going relatively well until he asked me how were the meetings going. At that moment I froze (I wasn't sure what to say, I should have just said the truth), but somehow managed to avoid the question. Now my mom has had plenty of chance to talk with this family friend, and nowhere was it ever mentionned that I quit the jws. Then, I got a phone call from one of the brothers in my hall, and he asked how I was doing, and then at the end of the conversation, he said "I guess I'll see you Tuesday", then I said no. Then he said, "oh, i guess in that case I'll see you next Sunday". I replied saying "That's not going to happen", and he sounded totally surprised of my answer. Then I got an email from a couple of "friends" asking me if I wanted to visit Bethel with them. Hello?!?! If I don't want anything to do with meetings or service, why the hell would I want to visit Bethel?

    Finally, today, I get a call from my mom saying that she ran into a couple of jws that I went to high school with (they're not in my congregation), so they haven't heard about the fact that I don't go to meetings anymore. My mom tells me that they asked that I should give them a call to go out and do something with them, and she said she thought it would be a really good idea. Well, for starters, my mom didn't happen to mention to them that I decided to quit the JWs, because I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have offered if they had known. Secondly, she thinks it would be a good idea for me to hang out with them, despite the fact that I made it quite clear I wasn't going back to meetings, and to try and stop me from quitting she said that I would be losing all my jw friends, but now she still hopes that I can hang out with them by pretending to be a jw. This is so frustrating having to deal with these JWs.

  • Nocturne

    Quit making fun of my avatar .

    It's supposed to be like that

  • Special K
    Special K

    I'm not sure if you are missing something here.

    Maybe, you are missing something ... over there. lol


  • blondie

    They are missing something...their brains.

    This is stage 2 of the fading/leaving process.

    If we ask them about the meetings we will embarrass them into going.

    I just turn it around. Did YOU go? Tell me some detailed highlights of what was said. (I99% will not have a clue what to say as they didn't pay attention or it went in one ear and out the other or they just went to socialize before and after).

    I am never surprised to find out how many meetings THEY have missed during the month.

    Mostly they are just being nosy trying to get some info to share with their friends that will titillate and excite them.

    Whatever you do, don't volunteer info. As first, "hmmm, what have you heard? Oh.... I haven't heard from you for the last (pick one, 3 months, 3 years, 10 years) and now you call.. Who asked you to call me? (they will get uncomfortable). Well, I'm just fine but be sure to call again and find out how many meetings I have been to...BTW how many have you been to lately?

    If they can't come up with something specific, I just say, "Well, obviously, you aren't learning much by going,hmmm."

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