Best South Park episode, cast your vote

by DanTheMan 31 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Confucious

    Mogrolians is good. But come on!!! Sea-men.

  • DanTheMan

    Sunnygal, I haven't seen the Special Olympics episode. The Timmy episode I like was where they made his wheelchair into a time machine, LOL!

    Czar, I forgot about Scott Tenorman must die, that was a great one!

    I'm dying to see the Mongooreans and Sea-man eps now.

    Stefanie, girl you don't know what you're missing.

  • Lostreality

    cripplefight...the church scene...omfg..hahahah

  • Steve Egner
    Steve Egner

    I love South Park. I have to extend my personal boundaries of offense almost every time I see it.

    My favorite, absolutely over the top episode, was the one featuring Christopher Reeve, biting the heads off fetuses, sucking out stem cells for their curative powers (he was no longer a paraplegic).

    For pure entertainment value, I give the Mormon episode my number one.


  • DanTheMan
    My favorite, absolutely over the top episode, was the one featuring Christopher Reeve, biting the heads off fetuses, sucking out stem cells for their curative powers (he was no longer a paraplegic).

    Uh, Stefanie, you may want to make sure that this isn't the first episode you see. LOL. There is little to nothing that these guys aren't willing to ferociously lampoon.

  • Princess

    Steve does especially love the sick ones.

    The one where Butters' mom tries to kill him and they end up having drinks with Jon Benet Ramsey's parents and OJ was a riot. Was that The Butters Show JBot? Sounds like it might be the same.

    The Mormon episode is one of my faves though. Can't beat the "dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb" chorus.

    If you haven't seen the movie though, you are seriously missing some funny sh*t.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Princess. Yes, that is the Butters show episode.

    "One of of us...gooble gobble gooble gobble"

    Oh, how could I forget Sea-men!!

    I also liked Cartman-land where Cartman buys the amusment park. Interesting take on the book of Job in that episode.

  • Princess

    We have Sea Monkeys and I'm kind of weirded out by them after that Sea men episode. I keep waiting for them to build a statue of me but I'm not willing to add the um "growth food."

  • Badger

    You're all wrong, as usual...the Cartman as Awesome-O the robot to try to trick Butters. What follows would look ridiculous if I wrote it, but it's a piece of art in these hands.

  • Markfromcali

    I haven't seen that many episodes considering how many seasons there have been, but I have to say that Christian Rock episode is probably the best that I've seen. Some of those lyrics!! They just changed lyrics of love songs and put the name Jesus in there. "You're once, twice - three times my savior" - and:

    The body of Christ - Sleek, swimmer's body all muscled up and toned
    The body of Christ - Oh, what a body I wish I could call it my own
    Lord almighty - I've never been so enticed! Oh how I wish I could have the body of Christ!

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