What Was The Stupidest Rule In Your Hall?

by minimus 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Who wants to see a man's nipples?

  • FlyingHighNow
    Who wants to see a man's nipples?

    Some of them are kind of cute. I don't think they have the same visual effect on women that women's nipples have on men though. You know?

    Yes, people, helping the down and out is an evil bad no-no, especially the "weak ones". If they wanna be strong they have to get stronger on their own, just ask the presiding overseer of that time. And by the way, he had to step down and lost his pioneer privileges for putting the make on a dear sister. She was the only one brave enough to step forward. Yep, that was one strong elder, folks. A shining example we all should have aspired to.


  • Stefanie
    Who wants to see a man's nipples?

    Exactly, but should there really be a rule about it?

  • minimus

    What EXACTLY was the rule??

  • Crooked Lumpy Vessel
    Crooked Lumpy Vessel

    Hi Mary,

    One thing I have always felt was missing with the JW's organization, is the lack of service to those in need of physical things.

    The only gifts of mercy and kindness that we are encouraged to give is to be more involved in the preaching work. Apparently the only gift we are suppose to give is to recruit more members to the WT$. In the last couple of years I started reaching out more to help those in the world who need physical things. It has not always been easy but it has been rewarding. I received my good share of critism and concern from others in the congregation. It only served to push me away further.

    One day I was driving home from work I listened to one of those "other religions". Anyway, the person hosting the program did make some good points with the following scripture Galations 5:22.

    On the other hand, the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, 23 mildness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.

    I no longer let anybody in the congregation tell me how to express my love to fellow humans.

    Reminds me of a story about a brother whose biological sister was dying of cancer. She had less than a year to live and she asked her brother if he could raise her child after she died. Apparently he was the only one in her family associated with the organization and she wanted to make certain her child would be raised within these teachings. He told her no. His reason was that he would not be able to pioneer if he had to raise a child. What love!

    You just go ahead and enojoy your gifts to man. Remember God says there is no law against such things.

  • gumby

    Balsam stole all my damn comments....!

    That is usurping the authority of the F&DS you low life publisher. Who the the hell do you think you are!?!?!?!


    Now now young man! You know as well as I do that all spiritual food, all asswiping, and all spoonfeeding, will be done by the FDS, so don't go actin all independent and shit.......ya hear!


  • Stefanie

    It was suggested that men wear undershirts, mainly the ones that gave talks and led the group out on the weekends wear the under shirts so the man nipples wouldnt show through.

  • jwbot

    confusedjw: I am not sure who was the person behind it. M.M. is one of the more conservative. As far as I knew, D.A, C.A.'s wife was very excited for the party and they were friends with my parents... I just know that I had spent money on a really nice 40's era outfit and then mom calls and says that it was cancelled because it could possibly stumble someone and why...*sigh* Could never have any fun...

  • minimus

    Stefanie....2 funny!! I hate tee shirts---just for the record!

  • Elsewhere

    * Pouring water on my tight t-shirt for Stef *

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