Now That I've Joined, I wish That I Hadn't

by TR 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • mustang

    "no meetings, no field service, no guilt"
    Danny Bear

    I feel a tee-shirt coming on.

    no more pioneer, no guilt

  • WildHorses


    I know exactly what you mean. When I was a witness, I worked a full time job. I sometimes didn't get home until 6:30pm, had to take a shower get my three children dressed for the meeting, drive thirty minutes to the kingdom hall. Went to evey meeting, did field service on the weekend, and was still told that I sould be trying harder.

    With three kids being a single parent, that is impossible. I always felt that they felt I was bad association reguardless of how hard I tried. I feel at ease now knowing that it's all over and I can live a normal life now.

  • Free2Bme

    One thing I absolutely hated was the cross-questioning you got off everybody after you missed a meeting. Sometimes you got phone-calls. They couldn't even wait till the next meeting.
    I used to get so defensive.I objected to answering to all and sundry for what essentially was between me and Jehovah.
    Only illness was an acceptable reason.
    Our congregation had it's public talk etc Sunday afternoons. That meant you could never go away all through the summer. Even on proper holidays you were expected to seek out the KH. For crying out loud we once attended a meeting in Spain that we couldn't understand one word of!
    Sometimes I wish I could go back just to stand up for myself and show them how much unnecessary stress they give people.
    Then again maybe not...


  • Fredhall

    Admit It All,


  • Francois

    You folk are telling fantastic stories about your experiences in the Borg. And it seems that so many of you are beating up on yourselves for having been in. I mean, look at the title of this thread.

    But I think maybe there's something you've forgotten to give yourselves credit for: YOU GOT OUT. All those other idiots are still in. Think about that.

    Cults attract and hold people who are psychologically and emotionally in trouble, people who are not normally-minded. But you left. Perhaps you were attracted by the honey the Dubs used to bait their trap; perhaps you were attracted by the illusion of a stable truth in an unstable and ugly world. For whatever reason, you were attracted and you joined.

    When you woke up; when the Borg reverted to type (or anti-type, as the case may be) and showed its true colors; when the "truth" began to be compromised to the bureaucracy - you looked around, smelled the coffee, and being of the normally-minded, you did what all normal people do in the circumstances. First you tried to fix it. When that proved impossible in the face of an intractable refusal to accept truth, you did the next best thing: you cut your loses and you left. And you have some really scary, scary stories from your days in the Borg. Just like Captain Picard.

    Congratulations are due. Congratulations are due you one and all.



    Where it is a duty to worship the Sun you can be sure that a study of the laws of heat is a crime.

  • Disengaged


    Great post, but you know as an old friend told me "IT'S NEVER ENOUGH"

    IBBEROEAN "Just making sure!"

  • Thirdson

    Hi to all the good people here!

    There are so many good things being said about the "bad" here! I can identify with so much. For about 6 years my then wife didn't take much of an active part and I know why and eventually I felt the same way. However, the pressure was always on. For a few years I tried to aux pioneer at least one month in the year. I'd take a weeks vacation to do as much of the 60 hours as possible that week and still have some semblance of life the other three weeks (a JW and have a life, ha!) I timed it to be an Aux Pio during the CO's visit an attend the pioneer meeting. But I got a condescending tone from the last CO because I wasn't a "real" pioneer.

    At ine time I did the cong' accounts, stayed late after every meeting, couldn't miss meetings, did my 10 hours, was a book study conductor, a father, had a full time job etc, ect, not much different to everyone else here. I did use to cheat and underline the Watchtower in 5 to 10 minutes frequently. When asked to read the Watchtower one Sunday, (not my turn) I confessed to not having prepared and declined. (I could have read it without preparation better than anyone else anytime but thought it was not right...for my sin I didn't read again for 2 years when I was allowed to again following my appointment as elder). When I gave up "lording" over the flock I felt the pressure reduce considerably, felt so good, I quit FS soon afterwards.


    You went to one in Spain! We went to a KH in Italy and didn't understand a word! I hated the questioning as well. I made all sorts of excuses, work was a good one. I'd stay late and get home about 7:00 p.m if I didn't a part, too late to get cleaned up and go out again.

    I still think life can be quite an ordeal. I can't imagine how I coped being a JW.


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • TR

    Hey guys,

    it just feels good to know that I wasn't the only one stressing. Not that I want others to stress! I think I'd either be dead or on heart medication if I hadn't got out when I did.

    Of course, the point of this thread is to show the dysfunctional nature of being a "good" JW.

    Fred, stick a dildo in your ear, assuming that you've pulled your head out first.


    "I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every
    form of tyranny over the mind of man." --Thomas Jefferson*

  • TR


    Time to change the bulb. Sorry, I couldn't help it!

    "I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every
    form of tyranny over the mind of man." --Thomas Jefferson*

  • jodiann

    Poor, Poor Joel!
    Remember Jehovah loves a cheerful giver and he is a happy God!!
    Keep up the good work and keep happy!

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