Where do you find spiritual fulfillment now?

by marked 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • reboot

    I 'm like a lot of you...I like being able to appreciate the beauty around me and interpreting it in my own way.I'm a bit of a nature child and like to grow a lot of herbs and use them.

    I 'm happiest out of doors all day ; so I just find alot of peace and 'spirituality' in the natural world which works well for me at the moment.A day spent in the woods has alot more impact on my spirituality than a couple in the Kingdom Hall ever did.....

  • dh

    for myself it remains buried somewhere so deep inside that i don't even know how to find it, the lack of fulfillment is near absolute.

  • gitasatsangha


    BTW, nice AUM.

    Aum shanti.

  • qwerty

    With Reboot on that one!

    Just made an herb garden too>>>

    Just got to use them.


  • DanTheMan

    theistic existentialism

  • Sweetp0985

    New Hope Baptist Church near my apt. The first time I went I was really just amazed with the choir. The next couple of times I really listened to what the preacher was saying and almost everything was speaking to me. Joined the church and I've been a member ever since. It's been about a year now.

  • Dan-O
    So, where do you go to satiate your spiritual thirst?

    The First Church of NASCAR. Beats the heck outta spending Sundays underlining the Watchtower or handling microphones.

  • Maverick

    I worship at the temple L**s! Mav

  • Mary

    I'm actually looking for something along the lines of a Jewish/Christian faith. I've been doing alot of research over the last 2 years and I've come to the conclusion that Jesus never intended to start a new religion----he simply wanted reform made within the Jewish faith of his day. I've tried going to the mainstream Christian churches, but that's not my cup of tea. I don't believe in the Trinity (which seems to be mentioned every five minutes in some churches), and I find their sermons without any substance..........I'm still looking as I do enjoy the fellowship of other believers, but I find the absolute best spiritual fulfillment I get is when I just sit outside in a nice big comfortable chair on a nice afternoon and just read the bible (without any "study" aids).

  • JamesThomas

    I have found that when I am silently open and present, it's here.

    We have been raised to believe that we are some thing separate and far away from the truth and wholeness ("spiritual fulfillment") that we seek; and so we believe we somehow need to earn or work towards what is absent.
    Nothing, could be further from the truth.

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