Self-Respect Test

by Lady Lee 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu
    Results of "The Test"
    How much self-respect do you have?
    Your score = 90

    I knew I'd score high :)

  • TonyT
    Results of "The Test"
    How much self-respect do you have?
    Your score = 20

    What does your score mean?

    According to your results on the test, you don't have a very high level of self-respect. You appear to do things, even though they make you uncomfortable, just to please others or look good. This may be a sign of low self-esteem and lack of pride; take a look at your behavior and ask yourself if it's hurting you more than you think. If you let other people mistreat you or you put yourself down, then you should work on building your self-worth. No one's going to respect you if you don't respect yourself.

    woe is me

  • sunshineToo

    I got 100%.

  • ohiocowboy
    Results of "The Test"
    How much self-respect do you have?
    Your score = 30

    What does your score mean?

    In certain situations, you maintain a high level of integrity, but in others you toss it right out the window. Essentially, you rate medium on the self-respect scale. In general, you value yourself and strive to preserve your sense of inner value. But in certain cases you accept nasty behavior from others or do things that make you uncomfortable, even though you know deep down that you shouldn't compromise your beliefs that way. Perhaps there are specific weak spots in your life - like your love life or career - where your self-respect is shaky. Whatever the reason for your occasional lapse in judgment, you may want to take a closer look and reassess your behavior. You're halfway there, but you shouldn't strive for anything less than complete, 100% self-respect!

    OK-Guess I should go back to my corner and continue to flaggelate myself....

  • reboot

    Boy are you in trouble with me now Ohio....get up to your room and we'll start revising for the retake...

  • Gretchen956

    I got 80% but I won't repost it for the umpteenth time. Ohio, your score surprises me (((huggs)))...

    I think the scores on these things sometimes is a snapshot in time too, how we're feeling at a particular moment may play in or we're in a particularly difficult situation and its hard for us for the moment to see through it.

    Actually my score surprised me, I thought it would be lower for some reason. Maybe advanced old age is good for something, huh?


  • Xandria
    Results of "The Test"
    How much self-respect do you have?
    Your score = 100

    What does your score mean?

    Way to go! You seem to have a high level of self-respect. You don't put yourself in situations that could be potentially humiliating and don't do things that make you uncomfortable just to please others. You're likely very self-confident and know that to get respect from others, you have to respect yourself first. As a result of this insight, you don't put yourself down or jeopardize compromise your beliefs to look good. This is an extremely healthy attitude, one that surely protects others from taking advantage of you and allows you to maintain your integrity

    Wow, if I can only get my self esteem up there lol.


  • kls

    I scored 50, which is better then i thought it would be.

  • jgnat

    <--------------- 85%

    KLS, Doubtfully Yours, and waiting, if my opinion rates for anything, I think your self-respect has risen steadily with your involvement in JWD.

  • waiting

    Actually, one of the questions didn't make much sense if you're a woman.......about not having an erection - and one's response to *his* partner.

    Biased test. Got a 90.

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