The Bible's approval of slavery (including Jesus)

by rebel8 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake

    Ok actually yea that is what it says. Couldn't wait until tomorrow.

    Look at Exodus 21:2-6. In this scenario, it specifies that if the wife was not a Hebrew, and the slave man had children with her, her and the children remained with the master. They were never freed, by seniority, by jubilee year, nothing; and they were passed on as inheritance. UNLESS the master chose to free them, which was always his right. 

  • nicolaou
    Are people actually likening biblical slavery to 21st century employment?!
  • nicolaou
    Actually I take some of my shock back. I'm sure there are plenty of multinationals running sweatshops in India and Bangladesh paying a pittance with no employment rights, benefits or safety standards that may indeed reflect the attitudes of 1st Century Middle Eastern slaveholders.
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    nicolaou, we in the United States are slowly but surely headed in that direction. It's only a matter of time before we get to where India and China are.

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