September 1,2004 WT Beware The Voice of Strangers

by Wolfy 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • seattleniceguy

    Unbelievable insanity. Desperation. Transparent fear.

    Lurkers, get out of her!


  • blondie

    The WTS response reminds me of this statement:

    Therefore the officers went back to the chief priests and Pharisees, and the latter said to them: "Why is it YOU did not bring him in?" 46 The officers replied: "Never has [another] man spoken like this." 47 In turn the Pharisees answered: "YOU have not been misled also, have YOU? 48 Not one of the rulers or of the Pharisees has put faith in him, has he? JOHN 7:45-48
  • Wolfy

    Thanks Elsewhere. I had to take off for a bit and this is my first chance to get back on here. Thanks for the help


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Notice on page 16 the picture of the teen age girl using a computer. They talk about "Today, some immoral people hide thier identity and true intentions by using the Internet." I ask, What about the pedofiles in the Kingdom Halls that are using the religion to hide their true intentions? Is not the WT guilty of helping these ones by keeping this information confidential?


  • 95stormfront

    That almost reads word from word of that talk from last year.

    Who knew that that garbage would be recycled for use again. I'll bet the drones won't even notice.

  • blondie

    The WTS almost always recycles the talks from the district convention in WT study articles the following year. They have been doing it as long as I can remember.


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    We have discussed this point before but I am sure they have a "standard form letter" article that they use and they just change the key words to suite the situation. i.e. Comics = Radio = TV = Video Games = Internet etc. Just the same regurgitated garbage they keep pushing.


  • shotgun

    Wolfy & Elsewhere

    I'm not sure about the policy about posting scans of Watchtowers here so if you want me to send you the scans let me know.

    I think someone mentioned it's ok to post this as long as you give credit to the publisher...I have not seen you do this yet so allow me.

    This smelly fish piece of crap has been brought been brought to you by a Bunch of old guys in New York... A.K.A..the Governing Booby.

    In a bi-weekly rag called the Watchtower.....How was that!

  • Scully
    He teaches us to make disciples and to trust "the faithful and discreet slave."

    Ummm... I may not know my NWT Bible the way I used to, but I'm pretty sure that there is nothing in Jesus' parable of the faithful slave that required those being served by the slave to "trust" him.

    Love, Scully

  • Wolfy

    Thanks Shotgun

    When you have left the JW's(either physically, mentally or both) it is very difficult to go back and read what is presented in the WTS's literature. It makes me ill that I ever believed the teachings of the WTS. The article smacks of desperation and cultish thinking. I am very sad for those still enthralled by the "Truth". Sadly that includes my wife and much of my family.


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