Eating weird things in China

by Leolaia 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin


    I see you have a strong constitution and are willing to try different cultural dishes. I think that's great.

    I beleive, if you want to understand your own culture,, you need to step back(travel) and imerse yourself in another, then you will be able to understand your own better.

  • Larry

    Leolaia - I'm really enjoying your adventures in China, please keep it coming, especially the photos.

    If we could eat KFC's Chicken we can eat camels and anything else for that matter :)

    Call the Colonel! KFC gets roasted for abusing chickens

    An investigator for an animal rights group captured video showing chickens being kicked, stomped and thrown against a wall by workers at a supplier for Kentucky Fried Chicken, which has been under pressure since last year over the treatment of animals.

    Officials from Yum! Brands Inc., which owns the fast-food chain, saw the video Monday. Kentucky Fried Chicken "will require that the employee or employees responsible will be terminated," KFC spokeswoman Bonnie Warchauer told The New York Times for a story in Tuesday editions.

    Further violations at the plant will "result in termination of our relationship," Warchauer said.

    The footage was secretly taken at the Pilgrim's Pride plant in Moorefield, W.Va., by an investigator for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals who worked there from October to May.

    A Pilgrim's Pride spokesman said that in light of the video, the company would reopen an investigation into earlier claims of cruelty at the plant.

    In a July 22-dated letter to the plant, copied to Yum! Brands and forwarded to The Associated Press, PETA says its investigator also obtained eyewitness testimony about employees "ripping birds' beaks off, spray painting their faces, twisting their heads off, spitting tobacco into their mouths and eyes, and breaking them in half ? all while the birds are still alive."

    PETA said it planned to ask West Virginia authorities to prosecute plant employees and managers under state animal-cruelty laws. The PETA investigator, who did not reveal his identity because he still does undercover work for the group, said he would testify if prosecution went forward.

    PETA has been pressuring KFC since last year, when it sued the company and called for a boycott, demanding that KFC require suppliers to treat animals more humanely. The group has recently won similar concessions from other major fast-food chains, including McDonald's and Burger King.

    Originally published on July 20, 2004

  • Leolaia

    JH....In China, there are lots and lots of Mickey D's and KFCs. No BK anywhere (thank God). In Xi'an, they had at KFC some taro mcnuggets which tasted so good I had it twice. Incidentally, the world's largest KFC is located at Tiananmen Square. I went there on my birthday just for that reason.

    Sorry to hear about the scalding issue. I hope they clear that up fast.

  • Leolaia

    seeitallclearlynow...... Don't worry, they serve lots of pork and beef and chicken. Thing is, tho, you'll never be 100% sure that's what your getting. :)

    You also have to avoid fruits and uncooked vegetables. And no water bottles unless you are sure it is not refilled from local tap. Even the chopsticks are cleverly reused and glued back together. We brought our own chopsticks but forgot to bring them with us on day trips on occasion, and had no choice but use the reused sticks.

  • Shutterbug

    Just showed my wife your picture of the bird served with the head still attached. She didn't throw up on the keyboard but she did turn a little green. You know, they have dove hunting season each fall in our neck of the woods and folks eat them, without the head attached. Doves are cousins to the bird you ate so eating it was ok, it was just the fact the head was still there.

  • Xandria

    Wow, thanks for the photos it looks like you are having a wonderful time! Your story of chinese chicken reminds me of the Vietnamese nieghbors we had, growing up. We were invited to dinner ( my sisters, mother and myself.) My sisters totally freaked over the chinese chicken! Feet and HEAD.. eeek!

    An when my mother asked what she had (it was duck) Mr. Ho's thick accent made duck sound more like Dog. I never seen my mothers eyes bug out like that before. LOL!

    Have fun and looking forward to more photos.


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I recall watching a show on either "Ripley's Believe it or not" or "Guinness's Records" about the only restaurant in the world that serves rat. It was somewhere in China and they showed the rats in a cage out front of the restraint and when you would go in you would pick out the rat you wanted. They would take it in the back, kill and skin it and make dishes out of it. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.


  • codeblue

    Thanks again for sharing pictures of your travels.......very interesting and great photography!!!

    Are you going to write a book about your travels???


  • drwtsn32

    Leolaia, you are braver than I am! I'm a wuss when it comes to trying strange foods. Thanks for the pics!

  • Princess

    Doc said:

    Leolaia, you are braver than I am! I'm a wuss

    I just had to do that.

    I agree with whoever said to keep the travel logs coming. They are so interesting, you seem to be doing some very un-touristy things. The pigeon head was totally disgusting but made a great picture.

    Have fun!


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