Undaunted Danny's final clicher of WT's best blaspheme

by Undaunted Danny 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Listen up!

    I was one who took the WT$'s counsel to heart all the way.

    Either the world is coming to an end with 6 billion men women and children going to be deadmeat or the world is not coming to an end.

    Being a Jehovah's Witness sucked big time.I was a good looking guy who didn't have his first girlfriend/sex until age 46 last year.I also gave them all my money/life-savings.

    Not cause i'm a f**king dum candy-assed geek but cause of my JW upbring and sincerity.

    KNOW THIS! I never did anything half-baked/half-cocked/half-assed in my life.This includes my 'turning apostate'

    Watchout Watchtower I am Undaunted Danny the Rollingthunderboywonder.....

  • laurelin

    I agree about American Witnesses seeming to have been told things we weren't over here in the UK. There has been a lot of things I've read on here and thought "Well I haven't heard that over here."

    I'm not saying they don't happen but just that it seems to me that the "brotherhood" isn't quite as united as they'd like us to think it was.

    Having said that, I think there are a lot of things said on the platforms at District and Circuit assemblies that come direct from that particular brother's own ideas and not from the Bible and that I have a big problem with.

    I'm a strong believer that if it aign't in the bible then it aign't right. I have come to the conclusion that I will continue to remain in the congregation and bring my kids up with the right morals etc, but if I read something in the Watchtower that I can't back up in the bible then I will just ignore it.

    As for the Smurfs.... I loved them, had a whole collection from the local garage... was it Shell or Esso? Anyway, if I had those darned things now they'd get me a fortune on Ebay....

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    The tragedy is with the guilt-ridden idealistic true believers who *really believe* that the FDS speaks for God and therefore make life-altering decisions based on fear-mongering obey us or die propaganda.

    Yep, that's my folks alright. I'm an only kid and that's not for fertility reasons, I found condoms in their bed.

    I can remember my Mum going on about "woe to the suckling babes" about young ones getting married and having kids in the late 50s.

    I thank God for a busted condom.

  • avengers
    I'm not the only one either,there are over two million exjw's.

    You bet!

  • anglise

    I remember the admonition on 'responsible child bearing in this time of the end' from the DA, CA and local cong. I also remember a young pio couple being upset when the wife became pregnant, they felt disloyal, and yes certain elders did TALK to them.

    I know of couples who are childless due to this particular 'understanding'.

    If I remember correctly it was also highlighted at the DA that it was not up to others to say what a couple should or shouldnt decide. (I probably still have my notes somewhere).

    This information was given out but the degree to which it was acted on varied considerably not just from country to country but cong to cong.

    As with most things busybody self important elders had a field day, the more moderant, balanced elders didnt get involved.

    The very sad thing is thousands of lives and marriages have been scarred because of pharisaical pontifications from the platform.


  • cyber-sista
    I'm not saying they don't happen but just that it seems to me that the "brotherhood" isn't quite as united as they'd like us to think it was.


    I don't believe the Org is united at all. Each CO and elder body tends to interpret things differently than the next. I remember one CO who was really down on homeschooling and sided with those who were anti-schoolers. There is a lot of variation on college education from one place to the next. In the last state where I lived many of the JW kids were attending college and going into different career jobs. When I moved to a different state I was shocked by the difference in attitude and was counceled when my non-JW daughter was going to junior college while living at home. Seems like it was OK for her to get a job while living at home, but not OK to attend college. Then there was the mandate several years ago about time spent with bible studies. One CO was very strong about this--if your bible studies weren't making progress after 6 months drop them and move on to the next door. I remember one faithful pioneer sister taking this and running with it--informing her bible studies that she would have to move on if they didn't get with it. She hurt some feelings, but she was being obeidient to the direction of the CO and the FDS (she thought). I'm sure the list goes on and on and varies from town to town and state to state. I am no longer on the mainland, but live in an area with a strong native culture. Many of the white JWs who come here seem to take on a pilgrim style puritanical missionary personality when witnessing to the native (heathens). The native people here have a strong family culture. One of the things I was told when I first came here was how the native people were very apathetic--one of the reasons being they are just too close to their families, so it's hard to separate them from that. When it was put to me in those words it made me wonder what this whole thing was about and caused me to have further discomfort over my then religious beliefs--now I know why I felt the way I did.

  • peacefulpete

    My wife and I secreted much of our courtship because of strong anti-marriage sentiment in our area. Our own as well as that of the "mature ones". "Complete tho single" WT article strongly urged singleness. At Bethel I was told flat out by Gangus (I can't remeber the spelling of the nutball's name) that THE ONLY REASON TO GET MARRIED WAS BECAUSE WE WERE LACKING SELF CONTROL. Of course all of us hearing him denied any problem in that regard!!

  • frankiespeakin

    I remember a convention part in the late 80's that strongly gave concil on not having any kids because we were so deep into a time of trouble soon to break out,,and that having kids would be asking to put them through the hell about to break out in the very near future.

  • laurelin


    I don't believe the Org is united at all. Each CO and elder body tends to interpret things differently than the next.

    You're right and that's one of the main problems I have. They are inconsistent and don't even seem to see it.

    This board has certainly opened my eyes to already niggling doubts.

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/75348/1.ashx Salvation book is good reference for also showing how the society told people not to have children "noah theory" Examine this recent thread,the more things change(in jdub land) the more they stay the same..... alt

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