Whoopi got Whooped!

by Yerusalyim 103 Replies latest social current

  • Shutterbug
    Just for making anti-Bush comments? That's about as lame as getting fired for being an atheist or pro-choice

    A lot of people have made anti Bush comments without fear of anything happening to them. But this was a fund raiser for a canidate for President. It this is going to be the tone of Mr. Kerry's Presidency then the country will be back in the same gutter in which Clinton wallowed. There are standards of decency, which whoopi exceeded, and now she is paying for her excesses. .

  • Corvin

    Loved her in The Color Purple! But she doesn't wear that color much anymore and I don't know what she has done lately or since that movie. Is she still alive? Doesn't she have a talk show or something?


  • drwtsn32
    But this was a fund raiser for a canidate for President.

    Since when has any presidential candidate been not guilty of badmouthing the other side? You seem to believe Bush is innocent of that...

  • Shutterbug
    Since when has any presidential candidate been not guilty of badmouthing the other side? You seem to believe Bush is innocent of that...

    Doc, I can't believe someone as intelligent as you could miss the whole point, she wasn't guilty of bad mouthing the President, she was guilty of having a filthy mouth. As far as I know Bush hasn't resorted to those tactics.

    Another point, she was dropped by Slim Fast because they were getting piles of mail in protest because of Whoopi's remarks. Slim Fast has a product to sell and publicity such as this makes them nervous, understandably. Does she have the right to make such remarks ? You bet she does, but others have the same rights and they took advantage of those rights.

  • irishayes

    "If this is going to be the tone of Mr. Kerry's Presidency then the country will be back in the same gutter in which Clinton wallowed." Agreed, Shutterbug. They won't release video of the whole affair, because it would reveal just what Kerry and Edwards were supporting that night. IMO, presidental candidates should distance themselves from this garbage--not be involved in the middle of it. C'mon guys, let's raise the bar, not lower it!

  • maybesbabies

    but telling senator Leahy to F* off is ok.... If you have a foul mouth, are a Republican, and a male, you are being "manly", and are lauded for it.....but heaven forbid a comedienne makes an off color joke... Cheney said he had no intention of apologizing because he wasn't ashamed he used the word and "actually felt a lot better after letting it out". Okay...... How about Bush calling a reporter an a**hole on the day he was passing a bill regarding censorship of the media?...... This is all perfectly acceptable...hmmmmmm....

  • wednesday

    well yes we have freedom of speech, but one must remember that with that come consequences, as in every area of life. She made a choice to make extremely vulgar remarks about the president, ie, comparing his name, Bush, to the female genitalia. she deserves what she got. If u tell your boss he is a f****** moron, do u expect to keep your job? yes u have a right to say it, but do u really think he does not have a right to be insulted and fire u? Most adults know this, it it part of a proper upbringing. I guess whoppi did not get taught this. But she is not sorry and says she will continue to say these things. I , have the right to boycott her movies, and any shows she is on or any products she promotes. It is the american way, u can get voted out, or boycotted for unacceptable behavior.

    also, notice later kery did not wish to align himself with her. (after the fact, he was so enjoying it the night she said it)

    just an example of the far left going too far.

  • Country_Woman

    It was even in "De Telegraaf" here, Don't know what she exactly said about Bush BUT, if that was the reason I will boycot "SlimFast" from now on , after all, I am / was a fan of Whoopy.............

  • Robdar

    Whoopi was whooped because the conservative right is calling for a boycott of Slimfast not because of her foul mouth.

    More proof that the conservative right is really the left.

    Presidents have made for a lot of humor in this country and I couldn't care less that she insulted him. Hell, that video wasn't even released and the conservatives are yelping like mangy dogs.

    Surely slim fast listened to some of Whoopi's standup before they hired her as a spokesperson? Slimfast punishing Whoopi for excersing her right to free speech shows me the sort of company that they really are.

    The conservatives calling for a boycott on Slimfast in order to punish Whoopi for excersing her freedom of speech tells me that I will not be voting for that conservative ticket anytime soon.


  • Cassiline
    Cheney said he had no intention of apologizing because he wasn't ashamed he used the word and "actually felt a lot better after letting it out". Okay...... How about Bush calling a reporter an a**hole on the day he was passing a bill regarding censorship of the media?...... This is all perfectly acceptable...hmmmmmm....

    Hi May

    There was quite a discussion here about that and many disagreed with him as well as the public. His comment to him took place during a personal conversation, which was overheard by others there. It was not as if congress was in session and he was screaming this at him. I am not condoning his words just that they were two seperate theaters if you will.

    IMO having a fund raiser where you are begging for money for your campaine to represent your party and allowing those type of remarks is not acceptable, it was not just one remark, but one of many by Whoopi. If it is nothing to sneeze at if you will, why are they refusing to release the tape of the evenings events. This tells quite a bit IMO. Cheney admits he said those words, what is being hidden and why by Kerry and Edwards?


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