Ban on baby strollers at DC's

by razorMind 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lehaa

    Here you are allowed to take a stroller too and from the convention site and there is an area where you can park them, you can accrss them any time as long as you don't take them into the seating area.

    Hey Xander you ever taken kids to a convention??????

  • RR

    Then there's only one alternative .... leave them in the van.


  • Balsam

    I remember well the ban on baby strollers while my 3 boys were little guys back 20 years ago. Boy did it make it hard on parents. But it was a city ordinance and had nothing to do with the JW's. We had no business sitting in assemblies all day with little children and babies, it was harsh to expect the little ones to be still all day long. It is totally miserable for the parents.

    I remember once my oldest son then 2 years old got sick at a convention, pooped all down my dress, and him. He had the beginning of chicken pox and was running a high fever. My ex-husband would not even let us go home to take care of him. Our youngest son the was just months old. So I had to take my dress off and wash it in the bathroom and wear it wet. Cleaned up my son and thankfully had more clothes for him. Then began my hate for my husband to be so cold as to keep his sick son at a convention. If I'd brought my car keys I would have left with the kids, but the husband had the keys and he insisted on us staying. I hated conventions after I had kids. Assemblies were tolerable mostly. No JW should ever have children, its a cruel way to raise kids. Ok I'm venting. LOL Hind sight is always clearer. I feel for anyone who is going through that now. Refuse to ever go with kids, you'll be doing yourself a favor and your kids.

    I found getting sick for assemblies and staying home with the kids somewhat effective till my kids Dad caught on. Missing an assembly or convention was a no no like missing the Memorial was.


  • glitter

    I went to conventions at Sheffield Hillsborough, Leeds, and Sheffield Don Valley - and I think at Hillsborough we were sitting on the terraces :( with some other mums and babies and there were buggies (this was early 80's).

    At Leeds we had to go up steps to get to the stands and there was a buggy zone - not a *ban* per se but it's either leave your buggy there or drag it up flights of stone steps and have to keep it in the aisle, so common sense really, but not common sense with the choice of location - football stadiums are not designed for babies and prams! At Leeds the buggy zone was inside on the concourse and there was a bit of seating so some mums went and put their babies to sleep there and sat and could still hear the session - but mostly the buggies and prams were just stacked.

    I think at Don Valley they were in an indoor training track.

  • Englishman

    Are these strange Americans talking about prams or pushchairs here?


  • Jahna

    I recall my first DC with my 6 mth old baby, outside and the first that did not allow strollers. HOT doesn?t even begin to define that weekend from hell. For my third baby, and two small children I got smarter, I took along a baby sling. It sure made those billion trips out to the washroom easier on my back and the rest of my body, it also left me two free hands to take the kids with me. With the sling the DC was almost livable.

    I recall years of no stroller, and trying to get an infant to sleep in my lap for three days, non of my children ever took to the baby seat without it moving in the car. I guess not having the baby seat made bringing our cooler much easier, and book bags (one for each kid and adult) not to mention diaper bag filled to capacity so you have everything you might need like change of clothes for everyone (recalls Balsam?s comment), and other such items a breeze.

    Nothing like a brisk walk, weighted down like pack mules hauling three kids under 5 in a hot summer morning to get the blood boiling! And to think, this was a blessing!

    I have always felt for those mothers with twins and even triplets!


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