The New Brochure - What are they thinking?

by czarofmischief 44 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • czarofmischief

    Let me just start off by saying that my mother asked me to read the new brochure. She said, "I expect you will be critical of it."

    I said, "Mercilessly so. After all, they were merciless to me." (That was a reference to my humiliating JC some time before. I have written all about it on here before.)

    So, let's get to it. In the spirit of Blondie, I'm going to rip this new brochure apart.

    The COVER is that of an old man, reading the paper, sitting next to a globe. He looks frightened. I wonder if he is frightened by the newspaper, or the fact that he has wasted his life serving the WT and now he is old and Armageddon still hasn't come.

    The INSIDE COVER has an hourglass with the sand almost run out. Yawn. More of the same "Time is running out" BS that they've been spouting for 120 years now.

    Page one is entitled, "Where is this world heading?" and then includes a large number of sentence fragments. What happened to the Society's traditional run-ons? These aren't even "See Dick mug Jane" quality. Did they write this thing for foreigners? Or did foreigners write it?

    EXTREME HYPOCRISY ALERT: They argue against other churches because of sexual abuse!

    EXTREME HYPOCRISY ALERT: They critique the clergy for backing factions in war - what about their own whoring with the UN? What is the UN if not a faction?

    Old Fashioned Nugget Of Joy: they actually mention the Spanish Influenze on page 4. Remember that little nugget? How it was proof of God's Kingdom arriving in 1914?

    then they have the audacity to say that there is a global pattern that has real significance. But they provide no proof that these are related. It's hard to believe that they still actually are hnolding on to the 1914 dogma. It is not a part of my faith anymore, so much so that I forget what the dubs still believe...

    The "Does God Really Care?" is more of the same empty promises / Satan's fault argument that we are all so tired of hearing.

    Bah. I don't need to keep going through it. It makes me so tired to look at this BS..


  • mineralogist
    hourglass with the sand almost run out

    You can turn it once in a while

  • City Fan
    City Fan


    I too have the joyous expectation of being given this spiritual feast of a brochure by my mother! I went out for a meal at weekend with my parents who were by then halfway through the District Assembly. After a couple of hours of them telling me how many of my ex-girlfriends had become missionaries or gone to Gilead, I'd had enough. (there will be a picture of one of them at the Gilead school in the Watchtower soon apparently!)

    I told them I thought Genesis was a best efforts by goat-herders and that was all. So I am now to receive the new brochure which will put everything right!

    If I'd not had that last glass of wine I might have kept my mouth shut. Anyway, I'm going to say to her that if she gives me the brochure then she has to read one of my books.

    But which one? COC or GTR? Definitely too apostate. What about one of my bible commentaries? Definitely too 'Babylon the Great'. 'The Bible Unearthed' or 'Who wrote the Bible'? Far too 'higher critical'! My books on ancient astronomy and Akkadian texts will be incomprehensible to her. So it may have to be one of my Dead Sea Scroll books, one that has the 587 date in plus a few other things to make her think.

    I just can't wait.

  • Brummie

    Thx for the brief review, yes the bunch of hypocrites have spoken again!

    "Mercilessly so. After all, they were merciless to me."

    Great response


  • nobody told me
    nobody told me

    Maybe they'll study it 4 or 5 times at the book study, just so everyone gets it

  • Elsewhere

    View and download the entire Brochure
    Username: FormidableApostate
    Password: 23A77BF7-ED96-40EC-AF06-9B1F4867732A

  • Odrade
    It's hard to believe that they still actually are hnolding on to the 1914 dogma. It is not a part of my faith anymore, so much so that I forget what the dubs still believe...

    See? They were right... two years, and you've forgotten all the "truth" you once knew. Hahahaha!

    Isn't it f'n great??? I've only got one more year before I forget all that crap.

    Hey! I wonder if you forget in even less time if you don't even bother to read the BIBLE?

    I'm surprised no one in my family has given me that brochure, they just had their convention last weekend, they've had plenty of opportunity, and the Jerk-it Overseer is in town this week heightening their enthusiasm. Maybe they are waiting for me to ask... HAHAHAHAHA!


  • RR

    The problem with the hourglass is that the Society continously keeps flipping it over when no one is watching!

  • XQsThaiPoes

    EXTREME HYPOCRISY ALERT: They argue against other churches because of sexual abuse! EXTREME HYPOCRISY ALERT: They critique the clergy for backing factions in war - what about their own whoring with the UN? What is the UN if not a faction? Actually they are talking about them selves too inclusively. Notice their mention of selling church property etc. I guess a lil of your programing remains.

  • neverthere

    Selling church property? One of the KH near me is now a Baptist Ministry!


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