by new light 61 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • new light
    new light
    again, does anyone know why none of the links mention he is a JWS? or did i mis it?

    Why would they? Unless the reporter has a personal vendetta against the JW religion, why would they ever bring it up? All I can tell you is that he was raised as a JW, his father is a useful elder as I mentioned, and I have met the man (at a meeting for field service about two years ago). I have since confirmed personally with my JW family that this is the same man and they feel really bad for the father. Do you hear about other people's religious beliefs when they make the news? Generally no.

  • wednesday

    true new light . often othen religions they don't tell u, but a lot of times they do mention if they are jws. I was wanting them too. I want it to pubically embarass JWS.

  • new light
    new light
    New Light,

    Did you know him in Rocky Hill?
    Rocky Hill police got a tip from the Department of Children and Families that Foran, then living in Rocky Hill, was suspected of sexual abuse.

    Over a year ago they recieved this tip of sexual abuse. Did the congregation he attended not do anything about him?

    I only met the guy once. I've known his father for a few years, though. I honestly have no idea of his history in any way, shape, or form. Sorry.

  • new light
    new light

    Wednesday: I just received a PM from a member of this forum who took the liberty of tipping a Connecticut reporter off regarding the JW connection. She is currently verifying and hopefully it will make the news. Your wish may come true.

  • blondie

    One the reporters is

    Megan Clair can be reached at [email protected] or by calling (860) 225-4601, ext. 223.


    Check with her and see if she is aware of his religious background or would be interested in knowing.


  • new light
    new light

    Megan Clair has been tipped.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    I think it's terrible that any of this has taken place, but to point out that a molestor has victimized 4 children or 6 is a far cry from the "average" being 143. Maybe that really is the average, but I find it hard to believe. I hope it isn't

    well considering that the abuses by these men cover a period of 3-6 years and that they were out there in the community for many many more years I would not be surprised by the numbers

    Take the first abuser I mentioned. Within 3 years he has 6 victims that I know of. If he continued to have only 2 victims a year for the next 30 years we have 60 victims. This man was known to have more than one victim at a time so it would be really easy for me to assume that 2 victims per year is a low estimate. This man was not a teacher or a clergyman or a coach. In fact his job had nothing to do with children. But he still was able to get access and the trust of his victims. What we know about most sexual criminal behavior is that over time the abuse escalates. What was stimulating yesterday is no longer enough. And something different or more or more often is needed to give them their "fix"

    A few years ago I had a male friend who was sexually abused by a teacher. He later discovered that this teacher had abused dozens of other kids convincing them that they had a "special" relationship. If a person has access to dozens of children and has authority over them, it doesn't seem unreasonable to conclude they would try to abuse many more children than the father abusing his child.

    The numbers may seem high but they don't seem unreasonable. And hey those are the ones who were caught and we know about. What about all the ones who never get caught? How many kids do they abuse? We'll never know

    The mistake I see people making is to assume these stats are just regarding JWs. They aren't. They are criminal records regarding pedophiles.

  • stephoness

    The information I read must have been older information and not updated, because I do not remember reading the specific paragraph of two witnesses to seperate incidents (although I did remember reading the other parts). Either way the entire "two witness" rule is so subjective it can easily be misused, even with the new additions. And I know that many congregations completely ignore certain rules when it suits them, for instance if the victim was molested by an upstanding JW then the Elders might decide to interpret the "two witness" rule differently. But if the child was molested by a "worldly person" then the requirement of proof is greatly lowered. It's disgusting really.

  • confusedjw

    Steph - if you don't mind my asking. How would you handle it?

    An accusation is made, what next?

    If you convict won't people say unfair and couldn't some get the idea, to falsely accuse?

    If you don't convict they people are saying you are protecting the person and victimizing the victim.

    What would you opt for?

  • stephoness

    >Steph - if you don't mind my asking. How would you handle it?

    I would call the police.

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