
by ConcernedMom 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Joker10

    I say the usual age is 15. People who convert to the JW faith, but who weren't raised in it, are usually in their late 30s and early 40s.

  • The rock
    The rock

    Hello again,

    Yes Jesus did say that you must be born again. He said unless you are born - again you cannot enter the kingdom. The thief on the cross never got baptised yet Jesus said to him. This day you will be with me in paradise. The same if someone got killed by a car after they had be saved. Baptism is the sign or the witness of an inner change which has already happened. At least that's what I believe.

    Philip told the eunuch the good news about Jesus then he got baptised straight away.

    take care

  • ConcernedMom

    So, in theory, if you were under the age of accountability and an unbaptised JW, you would be saved but if you were over that age and had not chosen to be baptised, you'd be doomed????

  • Elsewhere

    What is trajic is that my cat will not let me baptize him... he is doomed!!!

  • gitasatsangha
    So, in theory, if you were under the age of accountability and an unbaptised JW, you would be saved but if you were over that age and had not chosen to be baptised, you'd be doomed????

    As long as you died at armageddon. If you died before armageddon, you still probably get in under the "Day of Judgement" clause.

  • lisaBObeesa
    So, in theory, if you were under the age of accountability and an unbaptised JW, you would be saved but if you were over that age and had not chosen to be baptised, you'd be doomed????

    As long as you died at armageddon. If you died before armageddon, you still probably get in under the "Day of Judgement" clause.


    Oh, what a tangled web the WTBTS weaves, when first it practices to deceive!

  • Sweetp0985

    I regret the day I got baptized. I only did it because my friends and step-sister had got baptized and everybody was looking at me wondering when I was gonna do it. I wish I had never done it. My brother is lucky. I'm now df'd and can't talk to my father, but my brother does much worse things than me and gets to go to bbq's and stuff like everything is all hunkadory. I also have a step-sister thats much older than me that never got baptized. She got pregnant and married a dude(because of pregnancy) everybody was all happy. No one every said she should be marked or anything. Guess what she got divorced from that guy and got pregnant again. Now has another little one and not married this time, but she's "about to get married" any marks...noooo. WHY?? She's not baptized, but she was raised being a JW all her life..all 30-something yrs of it and she can walk into a KH and everybody welcome her with open arms and here I am with 0 kids, going to church regularly, even practicing celibacy right now and I'm the evil wicked one that no one can talk too. Stupid a** witnesses. That really pisses me off because before I got baptized I knew people that were doing stuff that was very ungodly but if no one knew and these were my friends so I certainly wasn't gonna tell, they never got into trouble. Some of which are still active and look at me like I'm Satan himself.

  • Elsewhere
    If they get to be 17 or older the elders and parents start putting pressure on them to get baptized before they are old enough to leave home and get out from under parental control.

    Yup... I was 19 and everyone had been putting a lot of pressure on me and telling me that they were getting "conserned" (Conserned = Get baptised or we will start to mark you).

  • Soledad

    that sucks sweetp

    I got force-baptized at 12. there was a 5 year old that got baptized in my congregation the year after.

  • heathen

    Good Gawd -- baptism at 12 and 5 from the WTBTS ? I never heard of that , I always thought they waited till you were old enough to sell magazines d2d.

    I was baptised by the catholic church as an infant so I got you all beat as far as that goes . I never made the JW baptism .

    True jesus promised the criminal next to him he would be in paradise but as we later find out the baptism of John was not a christian baptism so all those that were dunked then had to later be dunked by the early christian church so they could receive the anointing from the resurected jesus, it had a different meaning .

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