Paxil and Zoloft takers... a question.

by Confucious 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Confucious

    Hey guys,

    I'm on Paxil 30 mgs a day (not the time released).

    I'm not quite sure what it translates to Zoloft, but it's pretty high.

    My question is this...

    When do you take your pill for best results.

    a) What time.

    b) On an empty stomache or full

    c) Do you ever skip a day (for effect???)

    For about a year I've been taking it on an empty stomache first thing in the morning.

    But recently I've been taking it mid-afternoon after lunch and I get more of that "high" feeling from it.

    Just wanted you opinion...

  • ohiocowboy

    Hi! Paxil here. 40mg/day. They say on the package insert to take it the same time every day. I usually take mine on an empty stomach. I too get that tingly weird feeling sometimes. It is not good to skip a day. I have gone a day or two without, and it really does a mind trip on me, and puts me in a depressed, agitated state of mind. 30mg is usually a beginning dose, and usually gets raised to an amount up to 80mg/day. Most people I have talked to have the ideal benefit anywhere from 40-60mg/day. I wouldn't mind being put another 10mg. higher, I think what I am taking is too low.

    Please be sure to keep on your meds. I learn the hard way. I think that I can get by without them, and stop taking them, and within a week, my whole world comes crashing in on me. I just had this happen, and am taking them again, and am realizing it is something I will need to be on for quite awhile. My Dr. wants to start me on Lithium, it is more geared for my type of depression, but still has me on Paxil until I decide to switch over.

    Best wishes.

  • Confucious


    Thanks for the insite!!!

    Wow. I thought 30 mgs was heavy duty.

    I started on 20 mgs and moved to 30 mgs.

    I feel I could probably go to about 40.

    The other day I went took a 25 mg time release and I swear... but I wanted to kill myself.

    It was REAL weird.

    Anyway, I know now that anything less than 30 mgs a day will not work.

  • wednesday

    I'v taken numerous meds over the years, including the 2 u mentioned. I haven't gotten "high" from any of them. It depends if they keep u awake and the type of depression u have. If u are slowed down and sleep a lot and the pills make u feel "high" then possibly am is a good time. If u can't sleep and u are nervous, and the pills make u sleepy, take them at bedtime and take advantage of the sedation benefit.

    My nursing book says to take zoloft once daily, either am or pm , with or without food(does not matter)it says the drug can mke some people sleepy, and other anxious., So depending which one u are, would probably dictate the time of day taken.

    Paxil take once daily, prefer am , book says. it says same thing however, the drug can both make u sleepy or nervous, so take it be taken with or without food(does not matter)

    both drugs should not be withdrawn abruptly, taper slowly off over 1-2 weeks.(under doc supervision)

    what does your doc say?

  • ohiocowboy

    Be careful mixing a time released with a regular pill. When you take one that is NOT time released, the pill dissolves quickly, and the chemical goes to your bloodstream. When you take one that IS time released, the chemical is instead slowly released into your blood stream over a matter of hours. Mixing the two types can cause an imbalance of the chemical, and cause you either to retain too much of the chemical, or too little, thereby causing an emotional upset. Talk to your doctor about that, and if you feel you would do better with a higher dose, ask your Dr. and he should prescribe the additional dosage.

  • Confucious

    Thanks Wed.

    This thread is real important to me.

    When I first started on Paxil, I was pretty much "HIGH" all the time.

    Since then, it's dropped off a bit.

    My Doc is an incredible guys and the meds are working good.

    I guess my question was more of how I can be using the meds to it's best advantage.

    Thanks for you input. Really. I appreciate it so much

  • Confucious

    Ok Cowboy. (re: time release.)

  • Confucious


    Yeah. I'm telling you.

    I wanted to kill myself for no good reason when I went two days on CQ (time release).

    I won't do that again..

  • Confucious


    Also check your private message inbox.

  • kj

    I used to take Paxil, and it is a great drug while you're on it. Be very, VERY careful if you ever decide to try to get off of it. Withdrawal is horrible- I'd be OK the first 2 days, then I would just freak out. It didn't make me sleepy, but I did seem to need more sleep while I was on it. I was only on 20mg, I think 40mg is about average for most people. I took it in the morning.

    I take Zoloft now, 10mg. I take it at bedtime, I've taken at other times of the day too, it's all pretty much the same.


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