No Black or woman became Pope or WT President—reveals what?

by abiather 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DJS


    Not as egregious as the entire sentence you quote. It hurts to read. I've read and re-read it and haven't a clue what Abiathar is trying to say. At least he used the word 'suggests,' which suggests he is learning from us rationals. There is hope yet. 

  • Pistoff

    It shows that they are stuck in an ancient, outmoded view of the world.

    We are not talking about a specialized group, like simon's 'association of african american men', but large groups of people made up of white, black, asian and others, men and women, who apparently will only ever be run by white guys.

    For the WT, my question is, will they ever get a real leader, instead of a yes man that makes his way up the ladder?


    Pretty sure the catholic church is not against a pope of color, but I think never a woman pope.

    The WTS would accept colored leaders and women eventually I think,

  • R. Jerome Harris
    R. Jerome Harris

    It must be understood that we live in a "European-based" conceived universe. In other words, a world men have built up for themselves. (a celebrated name for themselves).

    It is not logical for Adam, Eve, Angels, Jesus, The Prophets, The Apostles and others to be portrayed in art, film, literature and religion in the likeness of the man of European descent UNLESS the world and universe is a conception of the man of European descent.

    No one in recent times has ever seen Adam, Eve, Jesus, The Prophets and others to portray them in ANY likeness. No human has certainly never seen an angel in its natural form or God as they are invisible to portray them in a physical way.

    The problem many face today is that there is an insistence to portray those persons I just mentioned as I have described. There is an insistence to define them within the confines of a European conceived universe.

    How many people do you know who would ever envision Adam, Eve, Jesus, Angels, etc in the likeness of the African for example. The African - for example - has not defined the universe.

    If there are African scholars or geniuses of old they would never be known by the world at large. Persons like Einstein or Picasso would be hailed as a geniuses. Butchers such as Alexander the Great is called "Great" when in fact he was a tyrant. My point is that the man of European descent has created a world and set the rules that all are to accept and subscribe to.

    So it should not be surprising to see Popes who are all White and the Governing Body of the Watch Tower as being ALWAYS male and ALWAYS predominately a White mans club from the beginning. (Yes, Nathan Heard a Black man is a relatively recent addition but that came as a result of questions and pressure from people of color AND Mr. Heard is a token Negro. I know him well and his mindset is thoroughly European and there are no vestiges of African in him.)

    Today many persons - especially within religion - look to external things as skin color. Many look to revering men as leaders. One of the purposes of religious organizations is to keep persons divided, gather them into "groups" and to promote the "visible" thing; to promote people as holy and pious.

    [ off-topic religious preaching / rambling removed ]

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    Once again, I have to agree with Viviane....

    Additionally, I have to add that Religion is man's way of trying to understand or make sense of the incomprehensible.  It has morphed over the centuries as man has come to grips with his understanding of the cosmos. 

  • fulano
    Why should there be a black or female leader? Would that make any difference?

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