Don't Know The Day....Don't Know The Hour.......BUT.......

by GodsMouthpiece 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • czarofmischief

    Wow... just, wow... The damage inflicted by years of WT propoganda is incalculable...


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Dziekuje, Pole!

  • xjw_b12
    It underscores that "interpretation" plays a big role in what you believe. In that regard, I don't know if you realized that you were presuming some things based upon your own interpretation

    ROFLMAO That JCanon would actually say something like that.

  • Farkel

    : Daniel chapter 12.....1260+1290+1335= 3885 days/years. You gotta know which it is, days/years in order to even begin making sense of it.

    This "day for a year" type of interpretation for Christians began in about the 12th Century A.D.

    There are a number of serious problems with using it, however. It is not supported in scripture, for one. Numbers 14:33, 34 is often used to support it, but there is no connection. The Israelites spied out the land for forty LITERAL days. The Israelites commited sins against God and were therefore to be punished for forty LITERAL years. Each time period was a literal time period. Ezekiel 4:5,6 is also used as proof, but the same problem exists: Ezekiel was to lay on his side for forty LITERAL days, and God would punish his people for forty LITERAL years. It would have been pretty darn cruel of God to have made Ezekiel lie on his side for forty literal years, you know.

    Another problem is with consistency. How do we know which prophecies which were predicated upon days were to really mean years? How do we know which prophecies which were predicated upon years to mean years of days which days are years?

    Was the forty day prediction of destruction by Jonah for Ninevah to point to something else that would happen in forty years?

    How about the sixty-five and three year predictions by Isaiah or the seventy year prediction of Jeremiah? Why doesn't the seventy year prediction of Jeremiah then point to 70 * 360 days of years for a prophecy that is to be fulfilled in the year 25,567 A.D.?

    I'll tell you why. Humans are just too selfish to think that those ancient prophecies were completely fullfilled thousands of years ago, and that somehow, just SOMEHOW people today need some Bible prophecies that applies to THEMSELVES! That's why they come up with all this voodoo day-for-year stuff.

    They do this in order to try to figure out the second coming of Jesus, even though Jesus himself said his coming could not be known by man.


  • Pole


    Wow, I didn't know anyone would speak a word in Polish in "Afghanistan"!!!!!!!!!

    Unless you're a Polish soldier serving there....:)

    Na razie....

  • Abaddon

    I am as happy as a pig in shit...

    I'm Jesus!

    No, I'm Jesus!

    Hah! But obviously you're not, as you're interpretation of 1st Do-dah 34:56 fails to account for the gerund of the verb "lo'ad-av-bol-loaks" which prove it is I!

    But you would think that as your count of days fails to include the rule of King Whoopsy IVX!

    All we need is a big tub full of mud, some beer, and plenty of pop-corn. All bring the pot. Worldwide Jesus Mud Wrestling Federation (WWJMWF (or wuwuj-m'wif to the cognocenti)) is here loud and proud.

    godsmouthspiece, JCanon, have you guys got webcams? I mean, you have Presidential debates, why Jesusmental debates?

  • joenobody

    Nathan you sent me into a good titter with your comment. Abaddon put me over the edge laughing my arse off... high-larious shyte!

  • Nosferatu

    Don't Know The Day....Don't Know The Hour.......BUT.......You Know When You Really Need To Take a Shit.

  • AlanF

    What's scary is that JCanon takes the competition seriously.


  • toreador

    Now thats funny shit!!

    I think it may be Scholar in disguise!

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